Friday, August 19, 2022
Serumah asik demam, selsema and batuk. Ulang2 berfasa2. Sorang demi sorang down, then up then pusing balik. Sib baik masa ibu down, ayah ada. Berkejaran la ayah menghantar ke kelas2 tambahan. Masa ayah down, ibu takde. Sori ayah...ada hikmahnyer tuh. Alhamdulillah, Aina pun dah ok. Last 2 weeks noticed yak2 dia kaler white, cream skets aje. Panik dah ibu. Kasitau the boys so that diorg aware that ibu would need to run to emergency and they would need to take care of the girls. Nasib baik, a few days later, yak2 pigmentation slowly moving to normal. Jumpa doc yesterday, mmg cam ibu suspect la...something issue with her bile duct. Mungkin masa demam tuh hati dia bengkak. But as long as mata and kulit tak kuning, should be ok. But kalau seminggu or two yak2 kaler clay or white, mata start tincture yellow, need to bring to ER yer. Please take note, this covers all human. As for Nana, doctor will also include the check for her liver next time. Aiyooookkk...banyak la darah Nana kena amik lagi... Abang Asyraf tuk bising suh amik gambar Ewwwwww.... Mekasih for Ayah, Nenek, Abang Asyraf, Abang Adam and Kakak Aisyah for jaga rumah and Nana. Loves you.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |