Thursday, January 20, 2022
I got a colleague that loves K-Pop, Black Pink la, BTS la, whats not. Someone from Black Pink came down and performed, kecoh kejap. Daku tak kenal sapa, group mana pun at that time. Tak paham kekecohannya... 2020, during pkp, since terpaksa wfh, daku start kenal Black Pink kat McD. Test wifi pakai lagu group tuh. Anak2 daku tanya, Ibu minat Black Pink eh? Then, Adam jadik peminat BTS. So dia kata Ibu minat Black Pink, dia minat BTS. Tapi sapa sorang pun dari both groups tuh daku tak leh nak pinpoint out. Tau lagu aje, tuh pun yg hits kat youtube. Hehehe. Skang, Aina pun jadik Army gaks. Kalau dengar lagu Butter, siap menari2...tak kira la berapa kali ulang. Buka lagu lain, marah siap nangis2 suh buka balik Butter dia. Last sekali, abang Adam menggalas tanggungjawab menghafal lagu Butter supaya adik dia dapat menari bila ibu tak kasi tepon buka youtube. How resourceful are kids nowadays? Nah, video kesukaan Aina. Dah pesan kat Mak Ngah, tolong pos nanti sorang abang BTS, senang nak nyanyi kat Nana nanti. kikiki. Monday, January 03, 2022
Happy New Year! Exam week for the boys. Diorg relax aje. Siap last night google on deep sea fishes and sotongs. Ibu janji if got no 1=RM50, no 2=RM40, no 3=RM30. Also present if got highest marks. Adam cam excited gaks, Asyraf as usual is cool and tak kisah, Let us see what happened. Kakak start new year in the same tadika. Tanya dia pagi tadi, since nampak a few smaller kids nangis..."Kakak nak nangis tak? Nangis la sikit, ibu nak tangkap gambar kasi ke Mak Ngah and Mak Su." Jawapan dia..."Pffttt...Ibu!!" tears, dah besar dah dia.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |