Friday, August 14, 2020
Lately makin kurang menulis...makin tua kot rasanya.... Plus life is catching up with me. Earlier PKP, working from home with the kids e-learning....daku lost 5 kg. Pagi bangun and buat bekpes, masa lunch kejar buat classes and suap Aina, after work kejar kasi makan bebdk and kejar classes lagi. End up daku always termissed lunch. Sedar2 dah tea, kejar bebdk lagi, kul 10 pm baru nak makan...usually tetido at 9 pm. So how.... By raya AidilFitri baru cam dapat the rhythm. Naik balek la berat kan. Hahaha. Now the kids dah start balek schooling, Aina pun dah start rounds kat spital. Life resumes....cuma hati2 la skets bila keluar ngan Covid-19 nih. I got many dependents yg ada health issue. Aina chomel, failed her yearly ear exam. So, kena start rounds pulak ngan akak ENT. Berat wise, masuk ke yellow kakak2 nurse and doctors seronok lah. Tapi bila duduk ngan sepupu yg 8 months old, kecik dia lagi. Tapi sronok la dia, semua larat dukung dia. Hehehe. Abang Asyraf, is going to be teenagers, dah start pandai merajuk. hahahaha. Later, when you read this, yeah...I never forgot that I promised you the Gundam. Tapi after besday 10 years old tau. I love you. Abang Adam, still acting like baby. Not me yang cakap, abang dia yang cakap. Still nak tido ngan ibu, nak suap makan dengan ibu. I love you too. Kakak Aisyah, being a big girl, dah tak nangis nak gie school. Also menang larian sukan sekolah, siap dapat medal lagi. Abang2 paling muda umur 7 tahun baru dapat medal. Hebat Aisyah. Yeah, I love you too. Got 4 kids and mummy is soooo tired. Malam2, mak tido dulu dari anak, hehehehe.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |