Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Pergi ke KK, rupanye akak nurse tersilap buat appointment...ke Nutritionist instead of the Dietician. Huhuhu. Pujuk nyer pujuk, sib baik si Aina naik berat skets. So akak Nutritionist happy, tak yah la pegi another round this month. Appmt another 2 months. Yeay!!
Sekolah abang ada nak pergi ke kilang coklat, so ibu, nenek and adik Aina gie scout the area dulu. Pusing2 takde la beli sangat, just a few untuk the kids sebab ibu tanak kasi duit for bebdk tuh beli coklat...so ibu beli siap2. Hehehe. So today, ibu kasi duit RM4. Untuk beli ice-cream. Mango/Strawberi RM3. Durian RM4. So kalau beli perisa Durian, takde baki. Kalau beli Mango or Strawberry, kasi RM3 aje...lagi RM1 simpan dalam angpau. OK ibu, sebab ibu kasi duit kecik...kata abg Asyraf. Pandai dah guna duit yer abang...hehehe. Monday, February 03, 2020
Dapat aduan dari Ticer Asyraf, ada guru2 lain cakap dia lazy tanak salin dalam kelas. Weird gaks, sebab dalam kelas Arab ok aje. So minta tolong ticer dia untuk tukar tpt duduk dia ke depan terus sementara nak check mata. Semalam gie check for Aysraf, Adam and me. Well, power Ayraf actually 150 for mata kiri Asyraf. High enough la untuk spectacles. Adam pulak ada high Astigmatism. Well, both boys kena pakai spec la nih. Untuk rujukan later.... Yang belah kiri sekali tuh ibu punya. Dah ada rabun dekat. Patut la rasa semacam aje. Suspected and now confirmed. I am ooooollllldddddddddddddddd...........
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |