Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Lawak pagi Selasa :
A : Apa yang special nyer? B : Well, korang ada extra chromosome? Kalau nak beli ikat tepi pun takde orang leh jual. Hehehe. Normalisasikan perkara yang tidak normal. Every where bawak baby Aina, people will ask...How old? Jawapannya...dah masuk 5 bulan. Hehehe, loves to see the shocked reaction. Well, she is so small, she is in fact, quite tiny. Another question kat spital....Ooo...bawak Mak mai therapy? Jawapannya...Nope, bawak baby nih ha for therapy kerja...Nenek just tolong temankan aje... Another shocked face. Yeah...it is hard to swallow the fact that Lil' Aina is not normal. Once upon a time, even wishing upon all the fallen stars in heaven that doctors are wrong. But...reality bites. Not withstanding all the times I spent and will spend at the hospital. Thus, no way in heaven or earth that she is normal. Chromosome test baru buat, baru amik darah..result is a long way lagi...but, that result is only for her card nanti. Makin terima kenyataan dah yang she is different. Bebudak pun dah makin kitorang debrief about Aina's condition. Diorang pun noticed that Ibu, Ayah and Nenek asyik bawak Lil' Aina to hospital aje...Asyraf and Adam pun start asking about what is OKU. Ya Allah, Jadikanlah hati-hati kami kuat untuk Adik Aina. Friday, August 23, 2019
Alhamdulillah....Abang2 and Kakak dah leh tolong jaga Adik Aina.
Diorang sangat2 la suka tolong ibu. Main ngan Adik Aina, tolong tukar baju, ajak main, therapy or just simply jaga adik. Nenek pun kagum...tho kekadang menjerit sebab tengok diorang main adik cam main ngan anak patung. Hehehe. Kakak Aisyah suka nyanyi lagu Tepuk Amai-amai and A,B,C ngan adik. Abang Adam suka cium and groom adik. Abang Asyraf tolong jaga adik sambil tengok tv...then last2 adik guling sensorang sementara dia focus kat tv. Hehehe. All suka buat persembahan kat Aina sementara Ibu kasi adik exercise trunk (kasi adik sandar kat ibu tengok abang2 and kakak). Semuga Adik Aina membesar sihat dan gembira dalam keluarga ini. Anak syurga Ibu di dunia. Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Semalam start persekolahan, tapi none of my kids yang pegi school. All because of ibu. Hehehe.
Nak kena bawak lil' Aina to hospital for her chromosome check. Doc dah pesan, awal nyer since ambulan akan bawak the blood to HKL around 8 to 8:30 am. Sooooo...ibu and nenek pun angkut the kids, letak kat Ibu Nor and then speeding to spital. Sampai spital around 6:39 am. Dapat la parking tepi jalan kat dalam. Kalau lambat, memusing la... Tunggu nyer tunggu...7:45 tak buka lagi kaunter. Adoi laaaa... Dekat kul 8 baru buka...akak nurse terlambat datang agaknyer. Then...dia amik all the cards...apparently my card jadik the last one. Then akak nurse tak jumpa appmt tuh for what. Huhuhu. But once cakap chromosome study, terus dia kata go for the blood taking room, ketuk and kasi terus to akak nurse dalam tuh. Ketuk tengok, akak doctor yg ada. Hentam aje la. Sat g, terus amik darah...siap. Lepaks amik number for therapy pulak, Ibu gie bekpes jap, nenek kasi lil Aina minum susu...lepaks kat therapy. Masuk jumpa akak therapist, Aina still sleeping...kejut la. Baru nak riak dia dah pandai meniarap...end up...apa pun Aina tanak buat. Akak suh pegang mainan pun tanak. Just pusing mata tengok mainan aje. Pegang tangan and angkat badan pun tanak, lembik aje. Adoi la....so, kena sound. More sitting exercise, bola, swimming, gerak2 dia ke tepi...Trunk development as 2 months old. Huhuhu. So, next appmt is next month...increase occurence to lepak kat akak therapist. Mungkin next time ibu try amik time slip. Cuti dah nak abis dah nih...huhuhu. Friday, August 02, 2019
Update on Aina.
Lil' Aina is only 3.61 kg, even though she is now 4 months old. Little sungguh. Dokter suruh tukar susu ke susu lembu balek. Well, start petang nih la kot. Alhamdulillah, Thyroid is stable, so maintain her dose aje. Next dokter's appmt will be in 2 months time. Yeay!! Cuti berenti amik darah sebulan.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |