Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Citer Abang Asyraf : (Adik Adam tengah minum susu, sambil kejap pusing-kejap pusing tgk Abang Asyraf. Abang Asyraf pulak dalam mood menunjukkan kasih sayangnyer) Asyraf : Adik Adam, nak sayang... Adik Adam : Srooot (sambil minum susu) Ibu : Meh sayang Adik Adam belah sini, sambil Adik Adam minum susu. Asyraf : (Tunduk nak sayang adik nyer) Adik Adam : Uh (tetiba pusing ke arah Abang Asyraf dan meninggalkan susu) Asyraf : (Terlompat)...IBU...IBUUU.....nih...nih... Ibu : Naper Abang Asyraf? Asyraf : Nih, nih...(sambil lompat sambil tunjuk tepi mulutnyer) Ibu : Nape? Asyraf : Kain...kain...kain.. Ibu : Nape? Asyraf : Kain....tolong Bu.... Ibu : Erk, takde kain la. Nah...(amik bantal dan sapu tepi mulut Asyraf) Asyraf : Hehehe...tuh antal la bu. Leh aaa? (Itu, bantal la ibu. Boleh la?) Ibu : Lain kali tak leh pakai bantal, kena pakai tisu sapu mulut. Hehehe, geli terkena susu Adik Adam kat mulut yer. Asyraf : Hehehe... Adik Adam : Sroot...sroot (sambung minum susu) Citer Adik Adam : (Ibu kena work from home sebelah pagi sebab taska tak buka) Ibu : Adik Adam, jangan panjat laptop tuh. Abang Asyraf, jangan tepuk2 laptop. Abang Asyraf dan Asik Adam : (Panjat-panjat dan tepuk-tepuk lagi) Ibu : Dah, dah. Ibu nak buat work. (Angkat diorang dan letak tepi, kasi mainan lain) Ibu : Erk, Asyraf nampak tak menda nih? (Sambil tunjuk ke arah track ball kat tengah laptop yg dah hilang) Asyraf : Tak dak, dah ilam (Takdak, dah hilang) Ibu : Tau la dah hilang. Asyraf tau tak dia pegi mana? Asyraf makan ke? Asyraf : Tak makam. Dah ilam. (Tak makan, dah hilang) Ibu : Adik Adam, Adik makan ke? Adik Adam : Eeee....(senyum) Ibu : Alaaa....cemana nih. Cemana ibu nak gerak2 pointer? Also, takkan nak tunggu berak kot? EeeeEEEeeeeeeee....geli-geli-geli. (Selepas 10 minit) Ibu : Do do doiii....Adik Adam la nak tidoooooo.....eh, ape nih? (ternampak menda hitam dalam mulut Adik Adam. Korek-korek-korek). Ibu : Laaaa....the missing track ball!! Sib baik tak telan lagi. Adik Adam : Uwaaaaaaa......(nak balek la ibu, orang tengah sronok kunyah nih...) Monday, December 23, 2013
Lately, there are many people that are expressing their doubts about doctors and hospitals. They claim that giving birth in hospital are too expensive and doctors usually gave invasive procedures that are not necessary just to rake in more money. Personally, I am afraid of doctors. But.....I am more afraid to go through birthing alone without doctors. My first birthing are totally natural, at Putrajaya hospital, Dr Hamidah. No epidural, no painkillers. Just that I was induced that morning since it is already more than 12 hours since my water broke. Something about bacteria, the health of baby and me. Well, I agreed to anything the moment they said it might impair my baby's health. So, they induced me, pain started, REAL pain started, they rolled me to the birthing room, gave birth. Dr Hamidah was really good, her touch was very soft. But be careful of doctor pelatih, silap2 kena jahit second time. :) For my second birthing, I chose Hospital KPMC Puchong, with the gentle and helpful Dr Haslinda. I informed the good doctor that my pain threshold was quite low, so she gave me a bit of a painkiller and an extra dose of reassuring smile. The residing Mak Bidan was also around at the time, so she gave me a bit of extra 'help' too. Anyway, the pain started, but muted by the painkiller. I do remember sort of dozing a bit, hugging the bed's armrest like bantal peluk, the moment the baby dropped to the birth canal, the birthing itself, etc. May be because of my age, I had already face the facts that I am not a Superwoman. Also, me being pregnant at this age is already a miracle by Allah and a risk by modern medicine standard; and I won't add more risk to my baby by giving birth without at least a doctor's supervision. Preferably a team of doctors with a legion of nurses and Ayah, my mum around me. :) Yeah, I know that death is from Allah, and no one can run from it. But at least I want to try to give the best for my baby. And THAT is also what is teached by our prophet, Rasullullah s.a.w. If you want the gentle birthing solution, hypno babble, new world type of stuffs; sure go ahead. But do know that each time a mother gave birth, she risk her life and the newborn baby's life too. Please don't monkey see, monkey do. You are human, do your own research and make your own decision. Please DO NOT blame others if anything goes wrong. Linxes : http://www.babycenter.com.my/a536331/home-birth http://www.homebirth.org.uk/ http://hypnobirthing.com.my/child-birth/homebirth http://mforum4.cari.com.my/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=775291&extra=&page=1 http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/06/25/home-birth-increasingly-popular-but-dangerous.html Different experiences of home birth. http://www.mygentlebeginnings.com/homebirth.html http://dangersofhomebirth.blogspot.com/ http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2013/11/18/Counsellor-dies-after-giving-birth-at-home.aspx http://blogs.babycenter.com/mom_stories/232012-homebirth-advocate-dies-in-hospital-after-giving-birth/ Thursday, December 12, 2013
Happy birthday to me....Happy birthday to me...... Already 'n'th years behind me. Someone asked me, had I achieved all that I wanted in my 'n'th years on earth? I said, my success in life is not having a plan. I just go with the flow. She said....That is also a plan. Hehehe. :) Spot on. I never had a definite aim in life. During my primary school years, I wanted to be an astronaut, but since there never were any astronauts from Malaysia at that time, tak leh jalan la kan. A friend had a targeted age to get married. She must be married by 27 years old and have 2 kids by age 30. Since I forgot who said that, could not actually checked whether she achieved her aims or not. But let me say this, I am blessed to have a family that believed in me and let me explore my potentials. With all the things that happened to us, my own experiences and Allah's grace, I am proud to be where I am today. A daughter, a wife and a mother. Semuga Allah berterusan merahmati daku dan ahli-ahli keluarga daku semua sehingga ke akhir zaman. Ya Allah, berkatilah rezeki kami dan masukkanlah kami ke dalam golongan orang-orang yang berjaya di dunia dan tidak rugi di akhirat kelak. Tempatkanlah kami di dalam syurga; jauhkanlah kami dari seksa kubur dan seksa api neraka. Sesungguhnya Engkaulah tempat kami memohon. Amiiinnnnnn. Monday, December 09, 2013
Jalan-jalan di Key El ngan Kak Sasha. Citer Abang Asyraf : Selepas beli action figure Ultraman, on the way ke tempat nak makan. Asyraf : Bu, pe nih? (Ibu, ape nih) Ibu : Ultraman Xenon. Asyraf : Ukan, Ironman* Max la. (Bukan, Ultraman Max la) Ibu : Yerlah2. Jap2. (Sambil angkat tangan untuk bertukar ke Ultraman Max) Asyraf : (Sambil tarik turun tangan ibu). Tak leh. Unggu alek umah dulu. (Tak boleh! Tunggu balek rumah dulu). Ibu : Okay, okay. Kat dalam kedai makan, tunggu burger ngan Kak Sasha. Asyraf : Bu, dah ampai umah dah? (Ibu, dah sampai rumah dah?) Ibu : Mana sampai rumah lagi? Kita kan nak makan burger nih? Asyraf : Akan, uger yer? Dah ampai umah la (Makan burger yer? Dah sampai rumah lah) Ibu : Tak lagi. Asyraf : Dah sampai umah la. Aksakser.....Oooo...Oooo... Ibu : Hahaha, patut la kata dah sampai rumah. Rupanye nak start main Ultraman. Citer Adik Adam : Adam : Uh. (Bestnyer ibu kasi menda nih. Goyang-goyang-goyang) Ibu : Pegang lek lok. Nanti jatuh belon tuh. Adam : Uh. (Okay. Goyang-goyang-goyang) (Eh, apa tuh?) (Dia gerak2 dalam ball la. Lari-lari-lari) Ibu : Eh, hamster dalam ball. Meh Adik Adam, duk dulu tengok hamster. Adam : Eeeeee.. (Bestnyer....nak, nak, nak) Ibu : Aik, sampai terjatuh belon. Dari tadi pegang belon, tengok hamster dalam ball sampai terlepas belon kat tangan. Bulat mata nun. Jap, ibu tengok berapa harga dia yer. Ibu : (Erkkkkk.......toy hamster pun harga cenggini). Jom Adik Adam......main belon free aje la yer. Adik Adam : Uh. (Nak, nak, nak, nak, nak) Thursday, December 05, 2013
Citer Asyraf : Asyraf bangun pagi, nangis2 nak susu. Sementara ibu lari pegi buat susu, ini berlaku... Asyraf : ......(korek wallet ibu, goncang2 sambil terbalek, semua syiling2 berterabur) Ibu : Asyraf, buat ape tuh? Simpan balek duit syiling tuh. Nanti Adik Adam jumpa, dia amik makan kang. Asyraf : ......(kutip duit syiling, masukkan dalam satu tangan) Ibu : Asyraf, simpan balek syiling tuh. Abis berterabur, nah kat belakang, bawah peti ais lagi) Asyraf : ......(kutip lagi, bangun berdiri, sua tangan yang penuh duit syiling) Bu, egi kedai, uli roti Asyraf (Ibu, jom pegi kedai, beli roti untuk Asyraf). Ibu : Erk....... Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Citer Abang Asyraf dan Adik Adam ngan buah durian. Citer Abang Asyraf : Asyraf : Bu, aper tuh? Ibu : Tuh, buah durian. Asyraf : Bu, nak uah duyan. Uah duyan shedap. Uah duyan bessstt. (Ibu, nak buah durian. Buah durian sedap. Buah durian best). Ibu : Kejap, kasi Adik Adam tido dulu, kay. Lepas Adik Adam tido, nanti Ibu buka durian dan kita makan, okay? Asyraf : Otay. (Masuk bilik, main2, minum susu, Adik Adam minum air Abang Asyraf, Adik Adam panjat Abang Asyraf, Abang Asyraf gelak merangkak ngan Adik Adam, Adik Adam terguling2) Ibu : Shhh....Adik Adam dah tido. Jum pegi makan buah durian. Asyraf? Asyraf?? Lerrr....dia pun tido sekali. :) Citer Adik Adam : Adam : Uh (Ibu, aper nih?) (Shayer cucuk yer) (Erk, naper dia cucuk shayer balek) Adam : UUHHH (sambil tengok ibu dan tangan menyucuk buah durian) (Ibu....menda nih cucuk shayer balek) (Tengok nih....saya cucuk cucuk dia, dia cucuk shayer) Ibu : MASYA ALLAH! Ayah, tolong angkat buah durian tuh letak kat dapur jap. Adik Adam tok pi cucuk2 buah tuh.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |