Thursday, January 31, 2013
By end of this week, I will be 36 weeks pregnant. Atau dalam pengiraan dokter, full term dah. Alhamdulillah! Rasa excited pun ada, rasa takut pun ada. Yang pasti, daku doakan semuga bersalin kali nih pun lancar juga seperti sebelum nih. Semuga adik A*** di lahirkan dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera, sempurna tubuh badan, cantik paras rupa, cerdik akal fikiran, sentiasa dilindungi dan diberkati Allah senantiasa. Kali nih pregnant, seperti biasa macam2 dugaan. Antara dugaan yang melanda, masa awal check baby, tak jumpa heartbeat. Then, pregnancy diabetes pulak. Alhamdulillah, setakat nih ok lagi. Tapi sbb pengawalan pemakanan (err...most of the time), kali nih walaupun dah nak masuk 8 bulan setengah pregnant, berat tambahan just under 7 kg. 2 kg baby and 5 kg of air ketuban, uri and additional fluids. Still leh pakai cincin tunang and kawen, ok. Dahsyat tak? Last time, tak sempat masuk bulan ke 7 dah ketat cincin. Kaki pun tak bengkak lagi, mebe later2 la kot. Anyway, doakan lah supaya daku dapat melahirkan adik A*** dalam keadaan selamat dan sejahtera. Kali nih under Dokter Haslinda, a fren masa kat Matriks 1, Sok Sek dulu. Kekeke. Kecik kan dunia nih, punya la pusing spital...last2 dapat kawan sendiri balek. Ya Allah, jadikanlah anak-anakku ini pelindung agamaMu di dunia ini. Berkatilah dan limpahilah mereka dengan rahmatMu di dunia dan akhirat. Jadikanlah mereka orang yang disayangi oleh masyarakat tetapi jauhkanlah mereka dari fitnah manusia dan fitnah Dajjal. Baru daku sedar, terlupa pegi kelas bersalin kali nih. Err...agak too late dah kan?? AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Friday, January 25, 2013
A new game with Adik. Tag tangan nenek. Semalam nenek saja nak main ngan cucu paling kecik nih. Letak la tangan panas nenek atas perut. Then, tetiba adik gerak2 tag tangan nenek. Nenek pusing tangan, letak at another place. Dia pun gerak2 gaks, tag lagi tangan nenek. Dekat setengah jam gaks la diorg main, nenek sampai terkekek2 gelak, rasa cam buah pinggang daku siap kena ketuk/tendang 2 kali sebab Adik punya nak pusing kejar tangan nenek. A game that I would highly recommend for heavily pregnant mamas. Mmg besh, walaupun rasa perut cam bruised gaks la. :) So, I am in the big 8 already. So excited but yet scary too. Hope that all will go well. Yang pasti, guer nak Nandos and Steak. Kekekeke. Kena makan sebelum meletup, kang Adik nanti drooling sajer (alasan yang sgt logik, kan...). Monday, January 21, 2013
These are my personal observations only. Basically, people that ate at cafes, with full or 1 1/2 portion of rice in a plate are the obese ones. People that ate half plate of rice are the normal figured ones. People that ate only quarter rice and lots of vege are the slim ones. People that brought their own food are the normal to slim figured ones. There are the contruction workers that ate a hill of rice but still maintains their slim figure, but these are only like 5% of the people that I can see. Of course, it also depends on other issues such as the salary's date (more people bring their own food at mid of the month), the amount of leftover in their fridge (like yours truly), the restriction of budgetary nature (cafe food too expensive) and others. Well, basically what I want to say is....most of obesity is caused by our own inability to resist temptations and lack of discipline. We eat large amount of food because we say we are hungry, even though our body only need small amount of food to live. Also, when we saw that the cafe is selling our favourite food, we took a huge portion of it...just cause we like it (also like yours truly). Anyway, may our lives be more prosperous in this new year and we can eat as much as we want to. Except for pregnant ladies with diabetes. :D Monday, January 14, 2013
Adik loves to play ball in my tummy. Exactly macam brother dia...well, much more so than the brother. Perut ku bergegar2 dan bergerak2 bila dia memusing kat dalam. Cam nak burst open kekadang tuh. :D Tunggu dulu nooo....nanti besar skets baru keluar. Leh main ball ngan abang Asyraf. Tgk tuh, abang Asyraf dah tunggu ngan car. Wednesday, January 02, 2013
Alhamdulillah! My check-up was okay. Doctor cakap leh continue monitoring aje. Kali nih dokter set 2 weeks baru jumpa, provided I gave her the common 4 readings. Ok la tuh, dari everyday kena cucuk jari cam a few friends yang dah kena, or worse still, insulin injection. So now, no coffee in the morning, no sugary treats, no white rice penuh pinggan dah. Everything is portioned and controlled. Last controlled week, si Hanim suh ikut diet K Aini....sekeping roti whole wheat sekali makan. Huhuhu, sib baik tak ikut. Dalam moderate diet nih pun leh turun 1.2 kg dalam seminggu. Siap kena sound ngan dokter, yg best dokter tuh bukan my current dokter pulak tuh. Naya aje kena sound. Anyway, daily food like below will get me reading around 5 mmol/l after 2 hours : Breakfast : 2 pieces of high grain/whole wheat with cheese. Elevense : A few pieces of crackers with a spoonful of hummus. Lunch : Half plate of rice, with 1 medium fish/chicken and lots of vegetables. Tea : A moderate sized green apple with 1 piece of bread wt cheese. Dinner : A bowl of vegetables with a piece of chicken and half plate of rice. Supper : A few pieces of crackers. (However, you need to check with your doctor on what that you can eat/portion coz each person have different tolerances towards sugar) The rule : 1) Eat lots of fibre - it makes tummy feel fuller, longer. 2) Eat carbohydrate with protein - this makes our body to slowly absorb the carbohydrate. 3) Eat smaller portions but frequently - this will enable the body to cope with the sugar from the food and prevents sugar crash. 4) No nasik goreng at all, a plate of nasik goreng+kuew tiaw goreng+1 cup of coffee=8.2. Huhuhu. The tips : 1) If you want to try new foods, or new portions, then do the 2 hrs blood test after eating the food. If the reading is normal, then ok lah. If not, no more eating that particular food or reduce the portion. 2) Only can eat green apples. Even the red apples can only be consumed in portions only. The rest of the fruits, bye bye lah. 3) Munch sloooooowwwwwwwwlyyyyyyyyyy. This will trick your brain into thinking that you ate a lot. ;) 4) Vegetables are calorie free.....wuhu!! So eat large portions of it. 5) I like High Five High Grain bread, it contains more nuts and taste better too. Even my little one loves it. 6) Peanut butter is okay, just a spoonful (or two) per eating tho. 7) Other nuts are also okay for snack time, make sure a portion only lah. Jangan makan sampai 1 plastik. :D per portion should be whatever that can fit into your grip. 8) To better understand what you can eat/portions, it is better to have the blood sugar tester thingamajic. This will greatly help in understanding your tolerances towards sugar and of course saves time and energy since you do not need to run to the clinic for the tests. In the long run, it saves money too since per test in my hospital is RM35. The kit costs RM165. Last week, I need 3 tests. This week I would need another 3 tests, kira sendiri lah kan. 9) Drink lots of water. Really. It makes u feel fuller, tho make sure you are within 30 secs of reaching the toilets. Hehehe. 10) If you are still hungry, buat2 busy. Most probably psychology aje. Since doctor said you can consume limitless portions of vegetables, just ngap aje la. Currently per week grocery shopping for vegetables is equal to previously per month punya, okay. ;) So, for whomsoever that have pregnancy diabetes like me....the keyword is CONTROLLED EATING. Well, Good luck. ;)
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |