Friday, March 30, 2012
Masa jam. 1) Drivers yang suka duduk tgh line and bagi signal nak ke lane sebelah tapi tak masuk2 lane tuh.Dia straddle tengah2 divider line, bagi signal nak ke line sebelah tapi sebab keta depan dia dah bergerak, so dia bergerak ke depan dulu. Aiyah, make up ur mind and stick wt it la. Kalau mu rasa lane sebelah lebih baik bagi mu, maka bergerak la ke sana. Tak kisah la kalau lepas tuh mu tgk lane nih yg lagik cepat. Nih straddle tgh2 jalan, kesian la dengan org yg naik motor, tersangkut ngan si driver yang tak leh make up his mind nih. 2) Selfish drivers.Susah payah org queue up, dia senang2 ajer potong line. Ingat mu sorang nak cepat? Orang lain takder life, asik nunggu jam and bagi tempat kat awak ajer? Bawak keta besar tapi mentaliti negara dunia ke 3. 3) Lorong Kecemasan drivers.Nama pun lorong kecemasan, nih sebab jam mu ingat mu sorang ajer cemas? Daku ada baby kat umah, pun leh relax layan jam. Dia yang sahih2 tak sakit dan takder org sakit dalam keta senang2 pakai lorong kecemasan. Jangan kata keta, daku penah nengok berpusu2 bas dan lori pakai lorong kecemasan tuh. Daku nak suggest spy kalau polis dapat diorg yg bawak kat lorong nih, tembak ajer all tayar dia. Bagi dia betul2 dalam kecemasan. Padan muka. Masa driving. 1) Tetris drivers.Dia bawak keta cam main Tetris. Ikut suker hati dia potong kiri kanan tanpa mempedulikan keta lain. Ingat mu sorang ajer ka ataih jalan tuh? Tengok la jalan dulu sebelum potong...nih keta berpusu2, dia main moving lane tanpa tgk cermin dan keselamatan pemandu yang lain. Abis2 dia kata dah bagi signal. Yerla, dah mu bg signal 0.005 saat sebelum mu changing lane. Ingat orang nampak ke? 2) Potong lane tanpa bagi psychic ah? Leh broadcast, "Saya mau berpindah ke lane sebelah"? Or lampu signal dia mahal sangat so tak leh la nak pakai selalu, kang rosak. Renovate Kereta 1) Renovate lampu signal and brek keta.Ntah pasal apa dia tukar kaler lampu signal and brek ke kaler putih. Ingat dalam ujan mu nak change lane, org leh nampak ke? Ada sebab la weh naper lampu signal kaler kuning and lampu brek kaler merah. Budak sekolah rendah pun tau kenapa...kalau mu tatau, pegi masuk sekolah rendah balek. 2) Kereta cc tinggi tapi jalan 50 km sejam.Daku tgk keta Triton, Hilux....confirm kuasa kuda kalah keta daku yg kecik molek nih. Taaapppiii, daku stuck kat belakang dia sebab dia bawak 30 kmph naik bukit dan 50 kmph kat jalan rata. Aish...tukau la gear tuh kalau naik bukit. Kalo idok pun, jangan la beli keta2 besar...buat malu ajer keta tuh. Kalau dia leh tutup muka, dah tutup muka ngan tayar sebab malu ngan keta2 kecil yg lebih lincah walaupun cc kecik. 3) Bunyik vrroooom sampai terjaga budak yg tido.Giler bunyi, cam Oliphant trumpeting, kaleh pusing kepala, tgk2 keta protong yang potong. Aissshhh....(nih lebih kepada nak tergelak pun ada). And all around winner of the loser : Yang masa driving nak cakap dalam tepon or main sms sampai melelong keta. Polis siap letak kesalahan nih sebagai kesalahan utama jalanraya sebab paling byk accident due to this issue. Idoookkkkkk...dia nak cakap/sms gaks. Bila xcident, nyusahkan orang, jam panjang sebab dia. Silap2 org lain yang mati. Ada dia peduli? Selalu yg cakap tuh, siap keta penuh bini and anak2...pun tak kisah, nak gok bersembang dalam tepon. Ierlah kalau bini mati, leh kawen lagik...ier tak? Ier tak?? Thursday, March 29, 2012
Satu lagi movie terlupa. The Thing (2011) yg baru. Interesting movie, it is the prequel for the ole The Thing - 1982. Yg best, kesinambungan tuh mmg ada la. Cuma, sebab kita dah tau premise dia, so tak der la pelik sangat menda tuh. But The Thing tuh mmg menakutkan ah, and lagik byk rupa pelik2 yg kluar this time. They really have fun making the alien's nyer memacam rupa tuh. Basically, both movies are based from John W. Campbell's novella, Who Goes There. I really recommend for The Thing fans to read (Of course, if u are really fans, then you shld have already read the story). There are a bit difference between the novella and movie version (of course laaa), but I bet you would never guess the ending. The linx as below : No! Don't peek. Read from first chapter til the end elok2... Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Akhirnya, baru berjaya tgk a few movies. Schedule dah establish skets. Skang kalau rasa clear skets my evening, tidokan si kecik and buka movie tgk. Sempat la catch up a few movies yg rasa teringin nak tgk tuh. RaONE. Beshhhh. Technical/CGI dia ok, excellent for not a Hollywood film. The magnificent SRK is excellent as always, masa dia panggil anak dia, "Wonggeh, wonggeh" is priceless. Chammak Challo and Criminal nyer video clip are sooooo beautiful. Entertaining, cuma a bit terkejut ada part2 yg sangat adult even tho citer nih cam sesuwai untuk bebudak. ;) Kungfu Panda 2. Cuteeeeeee sesgt. Everyone dah terima Poo sebagai the Dragon master. And now it confirms yg everyone had been asking, how come a crane dapat anak panda. Hehehe. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. Dah abis dah citer dia. The movie makin lama makin dark and menakutkan. But ok la, the story is quite engaging and tak drag sangat. Sedih gaks and sangat ngeri especially masa all the teachers letak spell to protect the school even tho they know that it will be breached soon and easily. Err....actually ada a few movies yg daku sempat tgk tapi dah lupa. Kalau dah lupa tuh, meaning tak besh la kan :) Anyway, tgh carik the Inceptions, Twilight series tuh, Transformers, Pirates of the Carribbean 4 and semua keturunan the Avengers (Captain America and Thor). Friday, March 23, 2012
Skang tgh musim Ulcers and Cirit. A few of my frens nyer anak dah masuk spital. Rotavirus and other viruses can cause cirit and fungals can cause Ulcers. Last time pegi dokter masa dia ada issue wheezing, doctor cakap ada kulat dalam mulut...but it is harmless. She promised to give us gels to apply in the mouth, tapi since masa tuh tgh kalut ngan byk issue, so maybe dia terlupa tulis. Once sampai umah, baru daku terperasan takde gels, but since doctor cakap harmless, so tak de la pulak daku buat ape2. One week later, the kulat dah jadik ulcers dalam mulut dia. Berderet kat dalam bibir atas and bawah, kat belakang mulut nak ke tekak. Mulut merah and daku rasa amat painful for the baby. Badan dedaq and cirit-birit. Pegi klinik, dokter kasi Tystatin Oral Suspension. Medicine nih will pecahkan sel2 kulat yg cause the ulcers tuh. Bagi la baby pakai, but still badan a bit panas and cirit. All day baby menempek ngan ibu, kesian dia. On the next day, daku pegi farmasi and talked with the ladies there. Dapat pulak ubat gel Daktarin. Tapi sebelum pakai this gel, kena sort of basuh mulut tuh ngan Willisan's Pure Glycerine. Apa yg daku buat is, using my finger, sapu Glycerine kat dalam cavity mulut dia, then baru sapu Daktarin. Since Tystatin pakai every 12 hours, so daku alternate ngan Daktarin, Alhamdulillah dalam masa 2 days, no more ulcers kat bibir mulut dia. Demam pun dah takder tinggal cirit aje. Mostly maybe the kulat still ada tertinggal in the perut. Gambar medications yg si kecik tuh pakai : Tho, not sure whether the Willisan Pure Glycerine tuh leh buat bom ke idok........ Monday, March 12, 2012
Kesian Asyraf. Tgh batuk teruk.... Btw just to clarify? Si kecik nih baru sebut 'Ayah' ker? Aissshhhhh...... Mana aciiii........ Friday, March 09, 2012
Suka benor kalau kejutkan si Asyraf awal pagi. First dia akan pusing badan dulu, terus meniarap. Then, angkat kepala slow2..Terangguk2 ke kiri ke kanan. . Lepas tuh, terpisat2 mata. Nak buka, tapi tak larat. Then, bila daku cakap 'Assalamu'alaikum Asyraf', dia nanti senyum lopsidedly sambil mata terkebil2. Hehehe, so cute. Really, one of my most favourite time of the day. Thursday, March 08, 2012
Diarrhea and baby. Ari tuh little Asyraf kena demam and cirit-birit. Bayangkan la tgh demam teruk and terpaksa basuh buntut...menjerit budak tuh. Pegi klinik biasa, dapat antibiotik...makan dalam 2 days, tgk demam tak berenti and cirit/terkincit makin teruk. Escalate ke paed dia, dokter paed terus tukar a/biotik sebab rupanya yang lama tuh leh menyebabkan cirit lagik teruk. Adeeehhhh.... 1 day after makan the new antibiotik and lactobacillus, kincit berhenti. After another day, cirit falls to twice per day. Alhamdulillah....demam pun takder dah. So now, daku dah belajar new tricks, little Asyraf will need to drink a bit of yoghurt/vitagen every 2-3 days. This is to increase the fauna dalam perut dia. Also kena letak diaper cream bebyk kat buntut dia after basuh cirit, coz digestive juice dalam taik dia leh hakis buntut budak tuh. Satu lagik, tak leh makan cili byk sangat yerrrr. Dalam pengalaman kali nih, daku belajar memacam jenis kaler poop and consistency nyer. Believe me, memacam kaler daku jumpa kali nih. Below are some linx on poopy diapers : Thursday, March 01, 2012
My baby bites!! He is at an age where he will try to put everything in his mouth. His toys, pillows, my blanket, his hands/feet, my rug, my hands/clothes, nenek, his car seat belt...basically everything that he can put his hands to; and if he cannot pick it up to put into his mouth, he will lower his mouth to gum it.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |