Monday, October 31, 2011
Just a precaution for ladies that have issues with breast milk. I am one of the people that ate all the kind of galactagogue foods and do everything within my power, but still have little breastmilks. Daku dah makan lobak putih, jantung pisang, pegaga, hati, paru, berurut...pendek kata segala2 yg mampu lah. But still sikit saja susu yg ada. Last effort, went to doctors and beg for something. At first, the doctor gave Domperidone. Second case, another doctor gave Metoclopramide. Both are actually ubat muntah, but the side effect is that it also can increase breastmilk. My caution is on Metoclopramide since it can cause depression. How to detect depression? When you are : 1) Always tired. 2) Do not want to wake up in the morning. 3) Feeling that everything is lost. 4) Feeling that you won't miss anything if you die. The last one is the indicator that you are sinking deeper into depression. For mama's that are taking Metoclopramide, it could be dangerous. Baby blues are more common than people might think, and taking Metoclopramide can sink women with a bit of depression into deeper blues. Stop taking it immediately and consult with your doctor. It would take some time before the medication is flushed out of your system. In the meantime, eat a lot of chocolate. :) I am not kidding. Also, ask for help from your network and interact more with your baby. Kalau Islam, baca Quran dan selawat selalu. All is not lost, a lot of people out there do understand your problem and they can help you. Hope, this information on the Domperidone and Metoclopramide helps you. Domperidone and Metoclopramide linx: Post-partum Depression : Friday, October 28, 2011
(Sorry yer ppl, apparently this blog had become my little boy's prowess report. Hehehe. Apa nak buat, buah hati pengarang jantung ibu sangat cute dan sangat accomplish dalam everything that he do. Semuga Allah merahmatimu dan memberkatimu sentiasa. Amiiiinnnnnn.) Semalam, kul 4:41 am. My little boy dah berjaya membuat full menelangkup. Dah a few days dia try menelangkup, tapi always tersangkut ngan tangan. Dah puas daku tunjuk demo, ayah, nenek and maksu menjadi pom-pom ppl, tapi tak berjaya lepas gaks. Ehh, ohhh, ehhhh, ohhhh, waaaaaaaaaaaa.....macam tuh la buanyik dia bila try dan tak berjaya. At last, pagi tadi selepas minum susu (extra calcium intake ibu beri), dia berusaha gaks nak menelangkup...dan berjaya!! Remember Asyraf, if you manage to read this later in your life...I am very proud of you. Now, we can play 'ninja turtles' bersama2. Hehehe. Friday, October 21, 2011
Cannot resists. Anak daku suka tido ngan posture ulat kuang. Nenek slalu gelak tak hengat bila dia angkat buntut dia seketul. Nak tengok camana? Hah, cam nih. Little Asyraf imitating Ulat Kuang Comel tak? Kekeke. Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tadi pagi, try kerat kuku Asyraf since kuku dia makin panjang. Tapi end up ter nick jari dia. Dah la masa ketip tuh dia tgh senyum, tetiba Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Ngan mak dia sekali Waaaaaaaaaaaa. Daku tanak ketip dah kuku dia. Trauma siut. Kesian tgk, dah la kecik aje jari dia tuh. On the bright note, dia dah start berjalan dah tadi pagi. Hehehe. Daku pegang and dia start sua kaki ke depan. Comel sungguh. Dah la kepala pun terenjut2 lagik. Like I once said, every day is a Wonderland...I wonder what new things Asyraf will do today. But, kejap eh.....Waaaaaaaa........kesian anak ibu, jari dia luka. :`( Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Confirmed, my going to be new young nephew is a boy. Laa...dah nephew kan. Mak bapak dia sronok akhirnya dapat tau jantina baby. Ierlah, dah ngendap dari bulan ke 5, dah masuk 7 1/2 baru tau. Alhamdulillah. Also, dapat tau another good news. Alhamdulillah, another sister dah melekat. Hehehe. Insya Allah, semuga rezeki ini dipanjangkan dan dipermudahkan. Amiiinnnnnn. Dalam jangka masa setahun, semua anak Mami berkahwin. Dalam jangka masa setahun juga, Insya Allah Mami dapat cucu3x. Mami kan selalu cakap, rezeki jangan ditolak. ;) Semuga semua selamat dan dipermudahkan bersalin. Eee....daku still ngeri pasal bersalin nih. Masih terasa sakitnya. Nenek pulak dah sound pasal second child. AaaaAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Monday, October 17, 2011
Asyraf loves it when I play with his legs. The 2 most loved games are as below. ( The movements are in the parenthesis and sing while move accordingly ) 1) Berlari dengan ibu 1 langkah (Move his right leg out) 2 langkah (Move his left leg out and right leg in) 3 langkah (Move his right leg out and left leg in) 4 langkah (Move his left leg out and right leg in) Lariiiiiii (Move both legs vigorously in running motion) English version would be : 1 step 2 step 3 step Ruuunnnnnnnnn 2) Cicak-cicak di dinding Cicak-cicak di dinding (Sing in a loud voice) Diam-diam mengendap (Sing in a slow voice while hands crawling on his tummy) Jumpa Asyraf yang comel (Sing in a middle soft voice and touch his cheeks) Hap (Catch his legs) Lalu ditangkap (Move his legs softly to the left and right) Hap (Catch his legs) Lalu ditangkap (Move his legs softly to the left and right) English version would be : Many lizards on the wall Slowly stalking Met the cute Asyraf Hap Capture him Hap Capture him These games are not copyrighted to me, just use it and play it with your kids. I hope it elicited the same happy response as my young Asyraf had displayed. Have fun!! Wednesday, October 12, 2011
For quite some time, Asyraf had started cooing and smiled at the world. After all, he is a big boy now at 2 months and 2 weeks old. All the tiredness went away when he smiled. Really he is the cutest baby in the world (well, all mothers said this about their babies, rite?). Had not managed to capture his smile on camera yet, it is very fleeting. Last week, he started to laugh. At first, we were wondering about this new sound he was making...then after some close monitoring, we found out that he was talking with our ceiling fan and was laughing his little head off at it. :D I had bought a playgym, a sound thingamajig and a little duck rattle to play with him. Well, I know that he is too small, but he do love the sound thingamajig. He always turn towards the sound and look intently at the moving bear's head with a frown on his little face. It was so cute. Now, everyday is like a wonderland. I wonder what new surprise that he will do today.... Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Semalam Asyraf nangis and tanak minum susu kat taska. So based on various recommendations, daku pegi beli puting baru. Kali nih both silicone and latex. Hope dia minum la today. Kesian caretaker, siap suap susu pakai syringe. Kesian Asyraf, minum tak rasa and tak kenyang. Sampai rumah ajer, terus daku bagi minum susu. Sedih tengok dia minum beria-ia. Lapar anak ibu. Adehhh, sedihnya. Ari nih try puting baru yer. On another topic, tadi terpandang berita dalam paper, teenager pompuan baling baby dari tingkat 2. Baby terperosok masuk dalam longkang and of course, mati. Masha Allah. Kalau mu tanak anak, ramai orang yg nak. Kenapa la nak membunuh baby yg tak berdosa tuh? Dah la berdosa buat menda lain, nih berdosa mencabut nyawa pulak. Senang sangat ker dia bersalin sampai sanggup buat cam tuh? Sakit bersalin daku masih terasa, dia senang2 pulak bunuh baby. Kesian baby tuh. :'( Hukuman setimpal to the teenager tuh is to buang rahim dia. Pompuan cam tuh tak patut ada anak. Muda2 dah kering hati, bila tua makin la kering. I do believe in giving a second chance, but when it involves killing a newborn baby. Well...hutang darah perlu di bayar dengan darah. Monday, October 03, 2011
First day sending my little Asyraf to the nursery. Hopes he will be okay. The caretaker, Umie at the nursery had told me yesterday to be strong and not anxious today coz the feelings will somehow be felt by the baby. Okay, mummy will be strong today, for you. Tho, teary eyed when saying goodbye to my dear little boy. Be good dear, and knows that I am, and will always love you. I'll try to come home on the dot today. So dear frenz, please don't bug me when the time is nearing 5:30 pm coz I have a date with a big, strong, lovely, sweet boy. :*
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |