Friday, July 31, 2009
Just upload new items at Tak banyak, aku amik a few only. So first come, first get la mah dears.... Personal wise, aku skang kt McD. Tak keja today. But half day sudah gone...pegi buat urusan banks (tak abis2) and just now, uploading my stuffs kat FB and Chic-lady. Still upset over the 'video'. But then my close friends pun udah cakap, "Jantan tak guna aja yang akan fwd menda-menda cam tuh. Takder hati-budi langsung". Masalahnyer, aku memang tau mamat tuh semacam skets cuma tatau la takde ke'manusiaan' langsung.....yang aku upset sangat, si victim tuh. Hope she is fine and hope they caught the culprits. So dear friends, if you get any rape videos, please do not distribute it. Have some heart for the victims. Plus, if there is no demand, there will be no supplier. Hope we can be humane and human over this. ”Ingatlah ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada para Malaikat: ”Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di muka bumi.” Mereka berkata: ”Mengapa Engkau hendak menjadikan (khalifah) di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat kerusakan padanya dan menumpahkan darah, padahal kami senantiasa bertasbih dengan memuji Engkau dan mensucikan Engkau?”. Tuhan berfirman: ”Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui apa yang tidak kamu ketahui”(Al-Baqarah:30) Semoga 'kawan'ku itu tersedar dan menjadi manusia semula (at least la, jangan harap nak jadik Khalifah kalau perangai still macam sekarang). Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Lose a friend over this rape footage. Had asked him to not forward this kind of video since it might give some other people ideas to copycat the sick people. Tried to appeal to his family side since he have a lot of female family members. And apparently he got the message wrong, said that i am cursing his family to be raped too. Well, since I had worked with one of his sister and do not have any quarrel with the lady, I am really sad by this accusation. Had tried to explain but then, people always hear what they want to hear. Being a recluse empath is not good for sosializing. Lose me a lot of friends. Now I am sad to lose a fren, tho I do understand his point of view. The video as a lesson, tho I'm sure the victim would disagree with it. Am shuddering too, when I think of the many perverts that are currently enjoying the video. Argh...need to chant....i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything...i am a stone, don't feel anything... but, I am still a human being..................... :`( Got a video from a fren...regarding a rape. The video contains footage of a lady being stalked and raped by some guys. I only saw the starting(a lady being followed)....a few secs in a middle (the lady being gagged and crying while a guy is on top of her)...then I deleted the video. How sick is the person? Raping a lady, taping it and distributing the footage? How does that make the sicko a human being? I would like to ask all my readers/friends to delete the video and please do not distribute it further. Please, rape is not a joke. It is a most degrading act to a woman. Please don't justify sending the video to act as a 'lesson' to women. Rape is rape. Distributing it is just a sick way of further encouraging these animals to rape more ladies. What if it happens to your loved ones? Can you justify sending the footage to your friends? I am sick...really sick to my stomach. I do agree that humans need to be exterminated. We are worst than the animals now. Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Higher price for Rapid Penang.
Be careful dears, tambang di Rapid Penang akan hanya naik 1 Ogos nih....but some buses had already requested higher price since last week. Don't honestly think that getting the bus number and educating the driver of the fact would be any good since he had fleeced a lot of people. But appreciate if anyone can get the info and complain to the Rapid Penang's office. Might be those excess money can be used for zakat or something good. Jangan pulak tetiba bus express pun nak penaikkan lagik tambang. Dah la diorang tuh tak reti turunkan harga tiket SELEPAS harga minyak dah turun...
Rapid Penang perkenal tambang baru mulai 1 Ogos GEORGETOWN: Rapid Penang Sdn Bhd akan memperkenalkan struktur tambang bas baru mulai 1 Ogos ini, selaras dengan pengumuman kerajaan dalam memantapkan prestasi jaringan sistem pengangkutan awam. Ketua Eksekutifnya, Azhar Ahmad, berkata struktur tambang baru Rapid Penang (untuk bas henti-henti berhawa dingin) adalah RM0.94 BAGI dua kilometer (km) pertama dan RM0.094/km berikutnya berbanding struktur bayaran tambang kini iaitu RM0.72/2 km pertama dan RM0.072/km berikutnya. "Ini bermakna, bagi perjalanan 7km pertama, tambang yang dikenakan adalah RM1.40 (tambang minimum) berbanding RM1 kini **. Perjalanan 7.01km hingga 14.00km, RM2 (RM1.50); 14.01km - 21.00km, RM2.70 (RM2); 21.01km - 28.00km, RM3.40 (RM2.50); 28.01km dan ke atas, RM4 (RM3)," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini. Azhar berkata, Rapid Penang akan meneruskan perkhidmatan dengan penuh berkesan bagi memenuhi keperluan masyarakat umum dalam menikmati tahap perkhidmatan pengangkutan awam yang berkualiti. "Pada masa sama, Rapid Penang juga berusaha keras untuk memenuhi misi penubuhan untuk muncul sebagai syarikat pengangkutan awam pilihan berorientasikan pelanggan dalam tempoh terdekat," katanya. Orang ramai yang ingin mendapatkan maklumat lanjut, boleh menghubungi Bahagian Komunikasi Kreatif Rapid Penang pada talian 04-2381313 sambungan 223, 216 dan 203. - Bernama
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Managed to watch Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen. Really good, a lot of explosions and fights. Like a lot of the new (well, movie wise) Decepticons....the Devastator, the composite Decepticon Constructicons machines that changed into the all things/stone guzzler. Ravage, the panther like robot and Demolishor...ultra huge robot in the Shanghai scene. Loved the hints that the Fallen somehow managed to increase the humans intelligence....until the culmination in the pharaonic era in the Egypt. However, not really liking the Autobot Twins. The goofiness of the Twins somehow reduce the movie's epicdom...well, like Jar Jar Binks in SW. In little bits, ok la...somehow by the end of the movie, cam nak throttle the producer/director'neck' for putting those characters in. I would give 4 stars out of 5. List of the Transformers in the movie. Wiki.
Wiki. Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Paler otak sudah pusing. Too many things to do, not enuf time to do it. Also, not enuf resources....dah la keja aku kena kow tim ngan orang masa nak t/s tuh. Semua busy, masa bila aku nak t/s? Got 2 field trips coming in. One is a foody kind of trip, expect arnd 2 kgs of weight increase afterwards. Another one is a field trip with my loved ones. We want to run away from the city and just spend some romantic time together. Hahaha. Yeah, rite. Looks like another 'food fest' also la. Sorry, cannot say yet where I'm going, afraid that my stalkers will start to stalk my loved ones. Susah ada stalker nih...but then, I am quite a private kind of gal dari dulu lagik so takder la susah sangat. Now, kawan baik aku pun dah start jadik secretive gak. Wakakaka. Guer dah cakap dari awal2, jangan asik bagitau lokasi, nanti stalker senang nak check....tapi lue tak percaya. Sib baik la lue kawan baik guer, kalau idak, guer dah ajar the stalker tuh how to check mana lue pegi...technowise style nyer. ;) Kekeke. p/s : naper yer lately aku rasa cam nak ramas anak kucin? Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Tgh tensen....ada 2 kawan aku nih, jantan....jenis annoying gilak. So, aku nak lepaskan tensen aku kat sini. Sorang, dah berkahwin, ada anak merenyut tapi asik hantar sms sayang la, i miss u la. Dah berkali2 aku marah....Cuba-cuba la jaga adab, dah berkahwin sila2 la buat cara dah kawin. Nak ke bila ko check hp bini ko, ada jantan lain panggil dia sayang? Komen body dia slim, cakap dia lawa? Sronok eh, terangsang eh? Ada sorang lagik, tiap2 hari antar sms tanya kabar. Satu soklan, satu sms....penah sampai satu hari tuh lebih 20 sms masuk dari mamat nih. Dah la takder menda yang nak dicakapkan except 'Hi, pekaber','Dah sarap/lunch ker?', 'Happy nampak today?', 'Busy ker?'....Dah la aku nih obsessive compulsive kena jawab sms. Ingat bapak aku nyer ke Maxis tuh? Kekawan baik aku pun sekali-sekala aja antar sms. Tuh pun sms sebab ada soklan penting, takder nyer everyday tanya pekabar...And kalau aku tak jawab dalam 30 saat, takder nyer diorg antar another sms tanya aku dah merajuk ke. Sabar ajer la. Pelik aku, ingat manusia2 cam nih dah ilang kena makan ngan dinosaur. Idup lagik rupanya. And the best part is, both are best friends and whatever aku cakap to the one, the other will ask in a few hours. Ayat sebijik sama....pelik kan? Aku ingat pompuan ajer reti bawak mulut. Bukan aku nak kata aku nih baik, but honestly, aku tak penah jumpa manusia yang perangai cam diorg nih. Aku tak suka putus kawan, tapi kalau mendatangkan stress kepala otak aku, ok aja. Yer la, aku dah cakap aku attend seminar, leh ke diorg nih antar sms tanya aku concentrate ke idak? Tak dah masuk ke tahap tak cukup ajaran? Which part yang cakap aku attend seminar yang dia tak paham? Pantang tok nenek aku orang antar sms kacau aku masa kelas/seminar/training...kalau masa rehat leh la jugak. Semalam mood aku tak baik, dua2 dah kena sound ngan aku. Sorry to say, both really deserved it. Dah kali kedua aku sound nih, kalau masuk kali ke tiga, dah takder berbahasa dah aku cakap nanti. As I said, aku tak suka ilang kawan....but my mind's health also have to take into consideration. Shish...kalau tinggal 3 manusia aja di muka bumi nih, I'm hiking to the other side of the world. Thursday, July 02, 2009
As usual, busy gilak work-wise and personal-wise. Tatau where my time gone. Bad time management? Maybe.... In my third Twilight Series book. Storyline memang nice. Bella, Jacob and Edward are all endearing in their own way. The writing style is very engaging and it makes you want to finish all the books as fast as possible. I cheated since I had googled the stories beforehand, so takde la nak rush ngat nak tau the ending. Ok la, sebab with my hectic schedule, tak abis2 lagik baca buku2 tuh. Also berebut siapkan a few samples of my jewelry items to distribute to a few new 'markets'. Nih pun ada kawan aku ajak masuk Art Market. Tgk dulu ah...aku slalu tgk ramai sangat dah orang buat jewelry nih. Kang price aku too low, kena belasah la pulak. Wiken nih, dah too full. Unlike last week di mana aku sempat mencurik masa 2 jam masa tghari untuk tido kejap(bayangkan masa weekend pun aku bangun at 6:15 am), aku target this week jangan harap la dapat... Hmmppphh...there goes my weekend again.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |