Citer lawak giler.
Mak aku menang cabutan bertuah. One of the last grand prices plak tuh. Lepas menang, Ketua Wanita UMNO cawangan *tutut* *tutut* datang kat mak aku dan boasted hadiah tuh dia yang bagi. Dia kata gelas kat umah dia banyak ngat, sebab anak dia baru kawen, so yg mana tak pakai dia bagi la for the cabutan bertuah tuh. Mak aku sronok giler, sebab dia jarang dapat cabutan bertuah. Dengar kitorang nak balek, so dia simpan hadiah tuh. Siap pakai baju lawa nak suruh tangkap gambar dia and hadiah dia. Since aku paling comel, so aku kena kopak hadiah tuh. Lepas buka pembalut, aku tengok kotak kasut. Amboi ada tanda harga, dekat RM60 gaks. Adik aku dah caution, "Mak, ntah-ntah hadiah barang free gift tak? Makcik *tut* bukan leh harap." Of coz, adik aku kena marah ngan mak aku...bukan apa, mak aku nih jenis optimist. Dia suka berprasangka baik, walaupun asik ajer menjadi target makcik nih main pedang. Lepas aku angkat tutup kotak kasut, adik aku terus tergolek gelak. Apa taknya, hadiah tuh ada lah 2 biji gelas yang dapat free masa beli Colgate. Sabar aje la. Siap ada tanda nama Colgate kat bawah gelas tuh. Yang adik aku cam sangat tuh sebab kitorang nyer bunga kaler merah, yang dapat tuh kaler biru. Mak aku garu kepala saja la, terus pegi siram pokok bunga dia sebab malas nak tengok adik aku gelak guling-guling.
Gong Xi Fa Chai.....angpau lai!! Hehehe. To all my chinese frens, Happy New Year. May the year of the Ox brings prosperity, happiness and longevity to all of you. For more reading on the year of Ox's horoscope (if you believe in it)., for my CNY, I managed to 'belanja' my loved ones to a special lobster lunch kat Manhattan Fish Market. Yerla, since kitorang takder CNY dinner. Tapi yang lawaknya, adik aku buat joke....'Kak, rasa udang aja'. Hehehe. Yer la, kang rasa chicken, pelik plak. So today, start working la. Lepas cuti 4 hari, nak tido awal pun rasa pelik......aaaaa............ kejaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Unix and bugs
I had been to the Unix for beginners class so had learned a lot of commands...well, sort of. I know now what 'kill' does, and 'kill -9' is a very powerful command. A bit understand abt 'chmod' tho everytime i want to use it i need to google for the exact command again. ;) However, i always forgot the command to clear the screen. Just now, with my feverish hands stuttering and shaking, I accidentally typed 'cls' instead of ls. Guess what, it cleared the screen! So, it shows that even tho my mind is fingers do retain its own memory. Well, a bit gross tho since that put me something in the par with the bugs. They do have neural sort of brain that runs from the top of the head to the end of their body. Whether human or bugs that have the most sophisticated evolution, is still a mystery.
Daily food
Daily intake of food : Breakfast - Chapati with chicken/lamb and some vege OR mee goreng OR nasik lemak. Elevenses - Oat wit Milo OR White Coffee wit Cream Crackers....OR both. Lunch - Nasi campur OR whatever is available. Tea - A fruit OR White Coffee wit Cream Crackers. Dinner - Whatever available. And dessert. Adik aku cakap aku dah jadik cam Hobbit. Always eating...tuh tak termasuk green tea yg aku try nak incorporate dalam daily diet aku. And also, the compulsory 2 cawan white coffee. Uh, don't forget the desserts after dinner... Deng. Aku baru belajar buat chocolatey kek batik. Dah dapat stamp of approval from 2 kawan aku. Nanti2 la aku buat lagik. Aku bukan reti+rajin nak masak sangat pun. Tambah plak sambil makan, kawan aku sebut calories...calories. Hehehe. Hampeh. Eh, aku baru cheong sam. Dabel deng... Song in my head : Love Story by Taylor Smith.
Tengah tensen, boss aku tanya status. Status apa, kalau aku sendri tak cukup tgn nak t/shoot, check servers kat 3 customers. Deng.... Dah la lepas makan french fries byk giler....rasa guilty sesgt sebab kekawan aku asik bising yg aku dah gemuk. Yer la...yer la. Kang body aku lawa, gelfren korang plak jeles. Kah kah kah. Target....kurang 1 kg before CNY. Supaya aku leh masuk cheong sam ketat dan pendek itu. Kukuku.
War in Palestine.
I would is an arranged agreement between different blocks of power. 1) Israel - a) They want the land. So kill as many people as possible since most of Palestinians would fight even with their teeth and nails to keep their land from being usurped by the terrorists (Israel). b) Kill the kids as much as possible since these kids will grow up to become new fighters. c) Kill the women too since these are the mothers that will bring forth new Palestinians. 2) US - a) Oil price is too low so someone need to create a war to increase it back. b) (Not all US citizens...but sadly, quite a lot)They HAVE to support Israel since the Jews are favored by their Christian god. Well, something abt Moses and the line of David. (This I get from many blogsites, sad tho since these supposed to be civilized people are condoning the murders of children and babies) c) The government need a place to dump all the surplus guns and test new weaponry. d) The Jews are very high in their economic rung. 3) Arab countries - a) Overall, the war increase the oil's price. (proven) b) Don't forget, US is a good ally, they have all the latest weaponry. Don't piss with the main weapon's manufacturer. Ok, before some people condemn me by saying that the Hamas bombed Israel's people first, let me remind you that the Israel are the ones that are taking the land. What would you do if suddenly a stranger comes into your house and claiming that it is HIS house? And, then when you go to the police, they said, "Yes, you have to let HIM stay in that house and you have to share your wife with HIM". I would say most of you would try your utmost to make HIS life miserable, right?
Same thing here. If the US government is so supportive of the Israel's plight over land, why not share his vast landmass? Well, Las Vegas vast desert would easily makes the Israel's feel at home. Isn't Christianity is all about love? And isn't the Jew's God a jealous, vindictive God? And they say that Islam are the terrorist's religion....see how chicken we are to even stand against our public babies murderer? shish...
An email that we received, an honest intake on Cyberjaya people view on the parking woes.
Are you happy with these parking rules around Cyberjaya, the so-called Dream City?
Parking in the yellow boxes previously known as legal parking bays are now considered illegal.
Large parking areas around Prima Avenue (beside Old Town White Coffee and Padi) are NOT for FREE!! If you want to park there, you have to take a seasonal pass and pay a deposit of RM350. Monthly fee was not disclosed as we were given a contact number for inquiries on the parking rent. All you get is parking at far and badly lit places which have the Park and Ride signs. This could lead to future crime targeting ladies or any associates who work late or who are on shift hours.
All these were the result of a discussion between a few companies around Cyberjaya and MDEC, not to mention the strong back up of these “Cyberjaya tourist” who neither work here nor face the parking problem. Their article can be viewed at these links
If you have hit the boiling point by reading these articles and suffer from all the parking woes yourself, feel free to file your complaints at:
Majlis Perbandaran Sepang (MPS) Email: Contact no.: 03-8319 0200 ext 308 (Ms. Zelda) or ext 432 (common line)
Or simply.. write to any mainstream newspapers!! I reckon it’s more effective ;)
My take? *tut* la!! Nih just nak mengkayakan kroni aja nih. Logic tak...ada parking space yang dekat, tapi kena bayar mahal giler. Korang tau tak, setakat jalan tengah panas takat 1 km ke tempat parking tuh dah kira biasa sebelum nih. Kalau KL, senang la sebab ada tempat parking dalam bangunan…takder bangunan korang, bangunan sebelah ada. Yang bus-bus tuh, aku berani jamin kerat ikan kurau yang nanti diorg akan kenakan bayaran tak lama lagik. Konon nak buat bandaraya, tapi apa planning pun tak betul.
Bila bising pasal parking, sapa pun tak hirau. Nih banyak bangunan makin naik, camna nak parking? Lagik la berebut tempat parking...aku dah tahap sampai tpt keja kul 7:30 pagi dah nih. Nak suh sampai lagik awal? Pegi *tut* laaa.
Yang paper senang la cakap, semua dah kena sogok. Meh sini keja sebulan, ngan makanan berterabur, panas giler nak jalan ke mana-mana pun. Aku jamin, dalam 1 minggu semua lari balek KL. Tau tak, Cyberjaya adalah salah satu tempat paling panas di Malaysia, giler ker nak berjalan ke sana-sini.
Nak harap foodcourt? Bangunan sebelah aku takder foodcourt, yang kitorg nyer cam musykil ajer kehalalan. Ari tuh dah kitorg gulingkan, yang baru masuk pun lebih kurang sama aja. The rest of kedai, jalan la korang tengah panas lit lit kalau rasa dapat. Diorg leh buat kedai tiba-tiba tengah ceruk tok kun….tau tak berapa jauh nak jalan ke sana?
Also, dalam Cyberjaya nih kalau biasa, sangat la sunyi nyer. Masa lunch, aku pernah menapak ke CIMB Bank, berapa ramai orang yang aku jumpa jalan kaki? Nada!! Kalau ada new building naik, terserempak la ngan mat-mat Indon and Bangla buat kerja. Bukan nak rendah kan diorg, korang nak ker bini or girlfren korang jalan sorang2 depan group diorg?
Semalam aku pergi ke salah satu Park&Rides. Jauh dari bangunan and sunyi giler. Pak guard pun takde. Kalau keta keta curik, kena pecah, orang kena bunuh, saper nak jawab?
Aku tak terkejut kalau lepas nih ada kes pompuan kena rape, keta kena curik, orang kena rompak dalam Cyberjaya nih. Best kan, masa bila lagik nak meningkatkan lagi tahap jenayah dalam kononnya bandaraya nih.
Malaysia Boleh.....BLAH!!
Just to clarify certain arguments. Taken from"Pada bulan Muharram ini juga terdapat hari yang digelar sebagai Asyura iaitu hari di mana Nabi Musa a.s. dan pengikutnya diselamatkan oleh Allah S.W.T. dari tentera Fir’aun. قَدِمَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ الْمَدِينَةَ وَالْيَهُودُ تَصُومُ عَاشُورَاءَ فَقَالُوا: هَذَا يَوْمٌ ظَهَرَ فِيهِ مُوسَى عَلَى فِرْعَوْنَ. فَقَالَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: لأَصْحَابِهِ أَنْتُمْ أَحَقُّ بِمُوسَى مِنْهُمْ فَصُومُوا. Nabi s.a.w. datang ke Madinah, dan dilihatnya orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari Asyura. Menurut mereka: Ini hari baik di saat mana Allah membebaskan Nabi Musa dari Fir’aun. Maka sabda Nabi s.a.w.: “Kamu lebih berhak terhadap Musa daripada mereka maka berpuasalah. - Hadis riwayat Imam al-Bukhari, no: 4680. Melalui hadis di atas ini juga dapat kita fahami bahawa amal ibadah khusus sempena hari Asyura yang diiktiraf oleh Rasulullah s.a.w. adalah ibadah puasa. Disunnahkan juga untuk menambahkan puasa pada hari Asyura tersebut dengan berpuasa sehari sebelum ataupun sehari sesudahnya. Rasulullah s.a.w. memerintahkan hal ini bertujuan untuk menyelisihi amalan orang Yahudi. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: صُومُوا يَوْمَ عَاشُورَاءَ وَخَالِفُوا فِيهِ الْيَهُودَ صُومُوا قَبْلَهُ يَوْمًا أَوْ بَعْدَهُ يَوْمًا. Berpuasalah kalian pada hari Asyura dan berselisihlah dengan orang Yahudi di dalamnya, dan berpuasalah sehari sebelumnya atau sehari sesudahnya. – Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad, no: 2047. " Terlampau banyak bidaah yang dikaitkan dengan hari 10 Muharram ini. Kalau di kawasan Shiah, boleh dilihat ramai orang melukakan diri sendiri dengan gelang-gelang besi dan sebagainya, hanya untuk memperingati kematian anakanda Rasullulah s.a.w...Hasan dan Husin. Kalau dapat, buat aja lah lebih kebajikan seperti lebihkan bersedekah, lebihkan solat, puasa 2 hari. Tak payahlah saa kata 10 Muharram, kena buat bubur Ashura, tho kalau dah buat tuh....antar2 la kepada sayerrr... ;)
Happy New Year!!!
Happy New Year to all....again! This week we are celebrating 2 new years. The Muslim's Hijrah and the Anno Domini. Whichever you are celebrating, wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope all your goals will be reached. As for me, I wish for world's peace and the economic recovery. I know, both are just wishful thinking on my part....but there is no harm in just wishing, right?