Thursday, January 31, 2008
Semalam pegi buat pasport kat Pusat Bandar Damansara. Aku sampai just before 7.30 am....dah ada 11 orang beratur in front of me. Overall, the services are friendly, quite fast...aku dah siap everything by 10.15 am. Cepat giler kan? Bergantung ngan dulu yang kena tunggu 2 weeks. Sempat pegi EPF lagik...a bit menengok menda at Petaling Street, then lunch with my frens. Petang tuh aku pegi tgk Cloverfield jap. Nice aaa movie tuh. Tak pening walaupun the camera was like pusing everywhere. Kemungkinan the recorder tadak stabilizer. hehehe. The story is sweet and altho there are some moments yang very annoying...especially the 'Hud' character, but storyline ok la, believable. The monster is a bit huduh. Tadak pun cam dalam lukisan awal dia. For some of you out there, tadak rupa Godzilla pun. Tapi, aku suka louse dia. Ganas siut. Tapi, notice tak....kalau monster, masuk bandar kat US...teruk la army kena lawan. Tapi, kalau monster, masuk Jepun...tetiba ada Ultraman dan adik beradik dia defend. Hehehe....naper Ultraman tanak migrate pegi US? Leh idup glamer kat Hollywood. Adakah kemungkinan Ultraman menggunakan papatah, 'Hujan emas negeri orang, ujan batu negeri sendiri, bla..blah..bla'? Tadi, baru dapat news yang tak mengembirakan. Adik aku grad on 22 and 23 March 08. The date yang aku dah book tiket to Bandung dari final quarter last year. Hampeh. Dari last year aku dah cakap kat dia, bagitau aku awal2 date graduation tuh...masalah nyer universiti yang tentukan. Nih, dah clash....AAARRGGHHH! Tension siut. Pasal apa la tak leh tetapkan grad date, something like every third week of March or August every year. Nih ikut suka ajer....masalah betul. Tgh fenin. Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Eternally Our hearts beat I can't believe that you are standing here right before me I want to just hold you and never let go I wanna be here eternally The stars are shining, the world moves on but we remain together I want to just hold you and never let go I wanna be here eternally I can feel you close to me I wanna be here eternally Monday, January 28, 2008
Just want to share a bad experience last weekend. On friday, due to some reason I need to go back to my hometown. So, there I was, running nearly all the way from Cyberjaya (except when I board the trains) so that I can buy a bus ticket that will depart around 7 pm or at least 7.30 pm. My plan is to reach Penang around midnight. Konsortium only have seatings available at 8.00 pm (Snoozer buses, which is quite expensive) and at 8.30 pm. After asking a few booths, I bought a ticket from Hasry Bus Counter, the bus would depart at 7.30 pm. Since I have 1 hour waiting time, so I went to KFC and bought my dinner. At 7.15 pm, I go down to the Platform 1...there is no bus until nearly 7.30 pm. However, there is a chinese guy that took our tickets and at 7.30 pm, walked us out of Puduraya bus stop to the bus which was waiting outside in front of some grocery store. Ok....really interesting. I thought the rules say no pickup outside of the transport terminal... There, we have to wait until nearly 8 pm. When I asked the guy that collects all the tickets from the other passengers that did not go down to Platform 1, he said that the driver was having his dinner. For us, it is a bit weird since the ticket clearly says that the bus would depart at 7.30 pm and here is the driver, still eating at a quarter to 8 pm. At a few minutes to 8 pm, the driver came and opened the bus. At last, we can depart...I foolishly thought. Noooo....we had to wait until nearly a quarter after 8 pm. Just to make sure that the ticket counter had managed to sell all the available seats in the bus. Only then we managed to move out... Sad to say, some of the passengers are tourists from overseas. Surely for a country that is striving to become a 'Negara Maju', we are yet in the developing country mode in the transportation section. Sad, rite? Due to the delay, I arrived at Sungai Nibong at nearly 1.30 am. Thank God for my knights in shining armour. So, for more Hasry buses. One of the reasons why I love to take Konsortium buses is that they are always nearly depart on the dot. Only if there are missing passsengers, then we have to wait. But, a nice holiday laa.. dapat gaduh with my sister and mother. Altho very fast...aku kat umah tak Sampai 48 jam pun. Sampai skang badan rasa sakit2. Ada sesaper nak tolong urutkan? :) Thursday, January 24, 2008
First Love
First love That last kiss Tomorrow, at this time You are always gonna be my love It is time to start moving on Tomorrow, at this time
You are always gonna be my love Semalam merayap ajer. Ada perasaan cam lipas pun ada, cuma lipas yang agak comel skets. Hehehe. Anyway, sempat gaks pegi jumpa kak Mawar. Thank you for the scrumptious lunch. Sorry lambat.....apa nak buat, bus yang ditunggu tak kunjung tiba. Discuss kejap pasal my Boocheeboo. Hehehe, naper la semua orang cam tak setuju with the pink flowers? Wa cakap lu, comel tau...comeeelllll.....hehehe. On the serious side, election is around the corner. Semua email groups tengah discuss pasal nih..ada yang dah start bashing, ada yang cool. Tapi, aku harap semua dapat discuss ngan perasaan rasional. Lepas election nih, semoga semua kembali berkawan dan bersahabat. Jangan la sebab parti, kawan pun kena berpisah. Apadaaaaaaaaaaa. Tak rock la camnih. Kes Sharlinie, still tak solve. Macam2 citer dalam paper...hopefully she can comes home alive and not traumatized. Kepada yang menculik tuh, dah tadak kerja dah ker? Cyberjaya nih dah lama tak dipotong rumput, agaknya tak cukup gardener....cuba2 pegi minta keja kat situ. Kotnyer dapat...dapat gaks gaji halal. Tuesday, January 22, 2008
My Boocheeboo in Yellow?
Bersembang with Hanim last nite. Pasal theme kaler. Tau la dia nyer theme kaler merah. Sesuai la ngan dia yang putih. Ada ka ARRGGHHH!!! Memang la leh nampak dari jauh. But yellow? Canary yellow plak Cuba bayangkan....ARGHHHHHHH!! Migraine wa.
Hitam....tanak la...legam kang jadiknya. Hijau? Hmmm....rasa tak sesuwai. Maroon?? Clash plak ngan kalering Boocheeboo... Pink? hehehehe...ingat my fren kahwen. Dia pakai kaler cute. A bit pink purplish? Tapi rasa accessories, susah nak dapat this kaler. ARRGGHHH!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Berjaya jugak tengok citer Heroes season 1 sampai abis. Soooo, excited nak tunggu the second season. Starting this tuesday. Yey!!! Tengah angau between my dancing squid, Milo and my Boocheeboo. Thinks my Tho now, tengah pikir am I ready for this commitment? Not really Tapi tengok semua orang ok ajer. Mebe boleh kot.
But there is only 1 way to get my Boocheeboo. And I would get him no
Friday, January 18, 2008
My love, my darling....
Tak sabar rasanya nak tunggu this weekend. A very big question akan terjawab. Yes!! My dear, my answer is Yes!!! Setelah sekian lama orang bertanya dan menyindir. Nasib baik aku jenis tak Anyway, my codename for him is Boochiboo. Other boochiboos dah kena tolak satu tangga. Tho, lepas nih, dia akan Or, I'll hang her cecumit outside of my room. HAHAHAHAHA!!! (gelak setan kejam) Thursday, January 17, 2008
To whomever that concerns, this song is for you.
Kiss me sweet In my dream In your eyes If you could touch my feathers softly Kiss me sweet In my dream Monday, January 14, 2008
Taking a breather. Banyak keja siut. Tapi, bak kata a fren of mine...keje takkan siap sampai bila-bila. so, aku duk tarik napas jap. Baca paper today, ada sorang lagik budak hilang. Masya Allah...apa nak jadik ngan dunia nih? Si kidnapper asik nak culik budak. Aku ingat masa kecik dulu, pusing keliling flat ngan my frens, tadak orang nak endah pun. La ni, just pegi to taman permainan depan umah, dah diculik. Would like for our law to pass heavier punishment la to diorang nih. Main torture skets, bagi 60 sebatan + whole life imprisonment. Nih, asik dapat pardon...mana diorang tak buat lagik? Also, manusia yang culik tuh, tak takut ker kalau sedara/famili dia pun orang culik? Tak penah terpikir ker? Dah jadik menatang kot. Cuba lah buat menda senonoh skets, tebas lalang ker, tanam pokok dragon fruit ker, bela kambing ker. Nih asik nak noda dan bunuh budak2 kecik. Elo, kucing jantan pun tau kejar si betina yang dah capai tahap matang. Aku tak penah tengok kucing jantan kejar and rape anak kucing. Just manusia aja... Then, ada plak nak buat letak cctv kat satu bandar. Satu lagik haru, aku takut nanti later, ada banyak cctv yang tersadai kena jual kat chow kit aje. Tau ajer lah rakyat Mesia nih..kalau diculiknya cctv tuh and jual pakai kati...bukannya cctv tuh leh jerit minta tolong. Plus, saper yang nak maintenance menda tuh? Aku tau la dah ada kampeni yang patut buat, tapi biasa lah...kang kat tempat yang terlepas maintenance yang jadik segala mak nenek crimes. Just wonder, negara barat mana yang gunapakai idea nih? Kat sana, jumlah jenayah turun tak? Sebab setahu aku, kat US makin banyak crimes yang berlaku. Since aku tak penah diundang buat lawatan sambil belajar ke luar negara (dan ditanggung segala perbelanjaan), aku just leh pakai otak + pikiran logika aku ajer. Correct me if I'm wrong, sedangkan gambar penjenayah yang dirakam dalam cctv, pun masih bebas...kenapa kita nak buang berjuta2 RM still going on with the idea? Politik + kuasa....habis duit tax yang aku bayar..... Sunday, January 13, 2008
Jangan jeles....spending yesterday and today berkepit with one of my treasured possesion, seminggu tak jumpa dia woo...selalu dia lepaks ngan aku...tapi since aku training the whole of last buchiboo. Also, last week aku dapat mendate kan diri with my dancing sotong. Akhirnya dapat gaks aku tgk ending dia. :) Anyway, nak bagi makan neopet aku jap. Sedar tak sedar, dah 3 tahun lebih aku main menda tuh. Bila busy, aku masukkan dia dalam hotel....bila free skets, aku main ngan dia. hehehe. Sooo excited. Manyak menda aku nak buat dalam this year's half quarter. Apa yang aku nak buat? Biarlah rahsia for now. Nanti aku citer kendian. Hehehe. Friday, January 11, 2008
So excited!! Got some new books. Among these are Children of Hurin, The Companion Guide to TLOTR-Reader's Guide and the continuation to Chapterhouse:Dun (aku tak ingat tajuk). Yey!! Tho, overbudgeted.......mati lor. Makan pasir. Eh...forgot, I pay with card. So, makan rumput sajer la. To all, Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru (mengikut kalendar Islam). Jangan nakal2 tahun ini, just ingat...buat baik dibalas baik, buat jahat dibalas..... Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New year
Aku tido malam new year eve yang baru lepas. Terjaga at midnite sebab ada orang call and wish Happy New Year. Dengar gaks ada bunyik bunga api. Sorry la, tak layan bunga-bunga api nih. Dah tua. Then also, ada issue skets that nite. On Tuesday, spend some time with frens. Bak kata adik aku, amenda la kak Sempat gaks jumpa kak Mawar jap. You are looking mighty fine my dear. So, wish all the people that read my blog had a good time on New Year's Whatever happens last year, hope you learn some lessons from it.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |