Monday, July 31, 2006
The new designs of bracelets had been updated at the Chic-Lady!! Archilles tendon is acting up. Semalam, berdengkot2. Today, jalan ke MPK, tak tau lah lepas nih. Kalau ada Hovercraft kan ker besh. Hev to go....tungguuu....aku nak balek gakssss... Monday, July 24, 2006
Made a few bracelets last weekend, but did not scanned any. Maybe next week, if I have the time. Already full schedule next week...need to help my sister to move to her new rented room. Anyway, my sister find it quite a hassle to berulang from my house to her college everyday, especially since some of the classes are scheduled to complete at 8.00 pm. So, she had found a place for her to live in, just beside her old campus. I would only see the place this weekend, when we'll go and send her stuffs. Being beautiful brings a lot of problem. My littlest sister is facing 2 main issues right now, being pursued by a married guy and another guy which already have a fiancee. The married guy, complaints that his wife live far away (now in Phnom Penh, she is working with Malaysian embassy there) and misses lady companies. The other guy, sad to say, did not admit to my sister at first that he had planned to get hitch on August. Then, the fiancee got wind of his 'other' interest and contact my sister. Since my sister (which only have friendship on her mind) knows of their relationship, she had met up with the lady and admit that they have only friend relationship, nothing else. However, the lady got different impression from the guy which gave various stories regarding my sister. When the lady confront her fiancee, the guy actually 'halau' the front of my sister. Why in the world, are guys thinking that women are their play toys? Don't they know the word LOYAL? Have multiple wives and girlfriends are NOT cool. Have more than 1 wife, unless it is really necessary (please refer to Al-Quran) is cruel. What would they do if their wife start sleeping with another guy? Would they feel betrayed like their wife would feel if she knows about his infidelity? Come on guys, whatever comes around, will come around. Some guys said that they are created to sow oats. Be it wild or not. My reply is, are you goat or human? Goat does not care if it is shagging his mother or his sister. Human have minds and can think. Please be a human and use your God given brain. Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Last night I went to see the movie, Pirates of Caribbean : The Dead Man's Chest. Hmmm....between 1 to 10, with 10 being the best...I would say....11! The actings are superb, the cinematography are beautiful and the scripts are hilarious! Johny Depp is able to convey Captain Jack Sparrow as being frivolous but able to have deep thoughts. Sensitive but arrogant enough to not show that aspect of his personality to the world. And brave enough to fight his way to death. Crazy Captain Jack Sparrow....or is he? A lot of laughter and chuckles during the movies. Heck, even guffaws. The places when I laugh? Too many to count! The Kraken is beautiful. Being me with my fascination toward giant squids.....Kraken is to die for. Although I always think of Masak Sambal Sotong when either Kraken or Davy Jones enter the frames. Why aaaa? Am reading, Deception Point by Dan Brown. Am listening to Unfaithful by Rihanna. Monday, July 10, 2006
Huarghh...huarghh...huarghh... Last week I went to Low Yat and bought me a new scanner. So, during the weekend, I played with the scanner and scanned a number of my jewellery items. So beautiful....sob..sob... The new items had been uploaded in here. The details....the color....the money spent... Anyway, on Sunday, I went to Ikea. Just to spent my time with my fren and browsing for new container for my finished items. A lot of boxes but most are made from paper. Aiya...cannot lor. Need a sturdy box. If possible, with a lock! Anyway, eyeing a small table, just nice for my bead making execises. time....
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |