Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Last weekend, went to Family day for JPN at Port Dickson. Quite fun lah. We got lost while following the map prepared by the committee. Felt like Explorace. Nasib baik tak sesat jauh, cuma cari Balai Polis dan Balai Bomba tak jumpa2, siap tanya kat orang, walhal part tuh tak sampai lagik. hahaha. Anyway, participating in the treasure hunt was fun. We went all over the resort, until at last, surrendered. No one knows what 'Government Gin' was. Surprisingly, we won! First prize, babe! Ok, 'Government Gin' is pipe water. Whatever. Got a coffee maker. Problem is, how to distribute to four people? That night, as the winner for the treasure hunt, our group was forced to karaoke. Larrriiiiiikkkkk. >:) The Sunday morning, we participate in games. Ok lah, I got number three prize in a game named 'Teng-teng'. Won a packet of biscuits. Tak makan lagik, pun. Overall, a fun outing. Considering our group 'menempek' pada Family Day orang. Bila lah kampeni aku nih nak buat Family Day? Only God knows, coz I don't. O:) Friday, February 20, 2004
I got flu! Since Friday and the whole of this week, coughing, feverish...thank god it is not the dreaded avian flu. Tho, the doctor took a veeeerrrrryyyyyyyy long time to check me up. Even, took my blood pressure! Is it just me, or all the medications given by the doctor did not work? Beli Actifed Expectorant baru lega skets. A few friends had already asks me to list down all the story books that I had. I am seriously thinking abt it. The problem is, I had too many books. And that do not include the ebooks or the websites. OK, slowly lah...might be able to build the database later lah. hehehe Now, am reading the stories from : The Wyvern's Library Wednesday, February 11, 2004
I would never be permitted to have any living pets. All my fishes had actually died. I could only tolerate cats, spiders frightened me to death and beyond. Tortoises are smelly, snakes would make me lose all my friends (why they are afraid of these cute reptiles are beyond me). Annnnnndddd, the biggest reason on why I should not own pets; I am easily bored. At first, I would be totally excited on having the poor animal. I would talk to it, look at it, (petting are not allowed, imagine having a big hand coming towards you. That is how I think the fishes thinks of humans anyway- a big thingie creature plastered to the bowl). But after some time, I would lose interest. Poor animals, better if they are left in the wild/sea/river. Anyway, I still have a new pet. An online pet. Go to this site Neopets. I have a neopet named Comotnyer. A species named Shoyru. Sorta like a small dinosaur/dragon. Very cute. I play games to get neopoints, which is used to buy stuffs for my pet. Very entertaining and I personally think, until now this is the longest time that my pet is still alive since it came to my care. 71 days!!! Hip! Hip! Hurray! Tuesday, February 10, 2004
1 February was Hari Raya Aidul Adha. Went back to Penang for a while. Nothing much, Penangites do not celebrate Hari Raya Haji much. Very bored. Asyik makan, tido...makan, tido. Over and over again. Learn from my mum that at my mukim, the price for a part of cow for the korban costs at RM350. Fuyooo! That is very expensive. Their argument, they have to pay for the tukang sembelih. Ier ker? mahalnyerrrrr.
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |