Tuesday, April 28, 2009
To the one that really matters
As I said to you, you break open all the walls that I'd built in me in all those dark years. Darker than most people had ever imagined.... Thanx for being my saviour angel, and thank you for having faith in me. Whatever happened in the future, know this, you had saved me countless of And whatever people say, you will always be my angel, my heart, my soul Halo by Beyonce. Remember those walls I built I found a way to let you in It's like I've been awakened Everywhere I'm looking now You're everything I need and more I can feel your halo halo halo Hit me like a ray of sun I swore I'd never fall again Feels like I've been awakened Everywhere I'm looking now You're everything I need and more I can feel your halo halo halo I can feel your halo halo halo Everywhere I'm looking now You're everything I need and more I can feel your halo halo halo I can feel your halo halo halo
How to disable the MyVi alarm manually?
Since I encountered the problem with my car...i was searching thru all my MyVi's manuals for the procedure to disable the alarm if I have to open the car manually using the key. The result? Not in the manuals. Deng.... So, I start trawling thru the net. Apparently, you just use the key to open the door, then start the car. The My concern, what if something happened to the chip? Would the alarm blared http://www.motortrader.com.my/asp/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=27168 Monday, April 27, 2009
Thanx a lot to my dear friend that helped me during the migration of my notebook. Got stuck trying to configure my palm and outlook data. U are still the best sys admin that I had ever encountered. Today, aku masuk and login using the new notebook. All ok, except somehow my Outlook data get bloated....today's email ada issue skets...dah la inbox ada limit. Rasa today will spend all day solving this issue. Yeah, new notebook....tukar from DELL to HP. What to say, except will need some time to get use to it. Thanx again to my friend, for lending me a shoulder to cry on. Without you, I am lost.....(ngan mata blink-blink ala Stitch). Friday, April 24, 2009
Forwarded by a friend. ![]() (Just in case your eyes cannot see the words, lightly left click on the comic above. A new window will open and display the comic in larger fonts) Cheers. Have a nice weekend. I have a dinner tonight....a relationship counselor aka my good friend advice me to meet new people. Well, I know...I know.....being busy will actually stops my brain from going to hyperdrive. Life sucks..... But that is a story for another blog site. Hahaha. Thursday, April 23, 2009
Kelab Tasik Putrajaya....Samudera Restaurant
Just a very quick update.... Had lunch at Kelab Tasik Putrajaya, Samudera Restaurant....not really The sauce for Roasted Chicken, sama aja ngan Fillet Steak. Dah la black Roasted Chicken tuh, quite dry gaks la. Scenery wise, kalau makan masa petang or malam, better duk kat luar. So, overall, aku bagi food wise, 4 out of 10. Linx as below : http://wikimapia.org/35061/Putrajaya-Lake-Club Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thank you very very much to Kak Nor and Abang Lokman for assisting me in my car problem last night. Really stupid of me, but would not happen again la....Insya Allah. Thank you to Suzi to for ferrying me to and fro from my office to house. Semoga Allah dapat membalas kebaikan you all. Learn a lot about cars within an hour......apa nak buat, guer tak penah bukak pun tempat engine tuh. Kah kah kah. Kena berguru nih. Abang Lokman re-emphasized the reason for radio amatur again, hehehe....bukan tanak....tapi tak boleh. Might be later-later la, lagik 10 - 20 tahun. Kekeke. Selamat bekerja semua....aku dah rasa penat, walaupun baru masuk opis. huargghhhh.... Tuesday, April 21, 2009
3 days of torture in my work and personal life with various issues.....causes my weight to reduce a teensy bit. Kah kah kah. Now that everything is solved, it is very likely that I will gain all back...with something extra too. Deng. Well, blame it all on hormon....after all, I am a woman. Met some friends last weekend, sempat sesat lagik....but no issues, dapat lunch yg saaangat sedap. Thank you very much dear friend. Hehehe. Lain kali, leh sesat lagik ah. ;) Next chapter.... Just to introduce my readers to a new foodstuff that I discovered recently.....White Flower Mushroom, a variant of Shiitake. Different is, it have sort of flower patterns on the crown. Quite nice, really. Since it is one of the dried mushroom, you have to soften it a bit. Basically you have to immerse it in hot water for some time. Well, for me I usually boil it with water. Cut the crown into little pieces (really tiny pieces coz after the immersion, the flesh can expand to quite some size) and cook it with vege or use it in soups. Works quite well in the chicken broth, dory fish soup and as I tried last night, mix vege. It taste smooth but with an extra chewiness that reminds me of chicken. The water that you have after you soaked the mushrooms can be used as a foundation for fish and chicken dishes. Quite fragrant too. As for the stems, it is a bit hard and less tasty, a chinese friend advice to cook it in curry. He said the vegetarian shops used it as 'lamb' meat. So, try it if you can. One of the recommended healthy food. Hehehe, just don't use too much oil la sayang masa masak mushrooms nih, it tends to soak all liquid. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiitake_mushroom Have fun. Saturday, April 18, 2009
Penat...semalam sampai 11 lebih menatap server aku nih. Sib baik ngan mamat US, dia byk check and t/shoot. Balek pun tak leh tido..asik terjaga ajer...kepala otak aku berpikir apa yang leh buat. Tuh yg susah kepala aku nih, selagik tak solve, macam2 aku pikir. Pagi-pagi, aku dah masuk opis...sambung check. Sib baik dapat solve, leh la aku nak balek tido. Chow chiko. Have a nice weekend. Friday, April 17, 2009
A new present for me!!
Happy Birthday to meeee...Happy Birthday to meeeee.... Tgh gesel-gesel pipi kat my new present. Smooth....so smooooottthhhhh.... A new toy to play with, Hahaha (Gelak ala Diablo...or is it Baal....or...Mephisto?) >:) Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Belum dateline lagi, tapi aku dah dapat 3 emails asking me to give my decision. So, dah send my decision. Hope it is the right one. I have my reasons...but it does not make it
But PCD managed to make it sexy. Well, whatever rocks the song. ;) Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Got this email like 4 times already from different people. Attached a photo for u. I just received this message from a colleague. I don’t know the source of the message; I also don’t know the credibility of the content, but just beware. Below is the content on the message: “Hello there. I just wanted 2 let you know that please stay away from the beaches all around in the month of July. There is a prediction that there will be another tsunami hitting on July 22nd. It is also when there will be sun eclipse. Predicted that it is going 2 be really bad and countries like Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak), Singapore, Maldives, Australia, Mauritius, Si Lanka, India, Indonesia, Philippines are going 2 be badly hit. Please try and stay away from the beaches in July. Better 2 be safe than sorry. Please pass the word around. Please also pray for all beings.” ![]() Tak larat dah aku nak menjawab kepada sorang demi sorang, below is my answer to the email. (Feel free to copy paste, if you want to) Looks like Mega Tsunami, since too many places impacted.... My issue is, we cannot simply guess where earthquakes will happen. We can sort of guess when a volcano will erupt, or how bad a hurricane will be.....but earthquakes? At 3 locations in one go?? Up until now, as far as we know, we can only calculate how bad is the earthquake based on the Richter scale and how big a tsunami could be...but those calculations can be done only AFTER an earthquake had occured. Well, the other one... Sun eclipse, meaning both the graviti of the sun and the moon would be concentrated at 1 place. So, realistically at the area where the people can see the eclipse, there will be really high tide. But we had never heard a tsunami caused by eclipses before and really, we had lot's and lot's of eclipses all over the world in the modern history. So, what I will do....is take this with a pinch of salt. Go to beaches by all means, but look for secluded places that are not open to the high seas. Go to Pangkor, or any of the islands located in the Selat Melaka that are obstructed either by Indonesia; or beaches that faces the mainland. Look for beaches that have high points that you can run and climb within a minute...be extra careful and always on a look out for trouble....well, all of us knows the tsunami's warning signals by now. Being an islander, we always respected the sea. The gentleness of the sea usually makes people forgot it's power and yes, I had seen countless times of the sea's raw destructive power. Monday, April 06, 2009
Dateline is 17 April 2009
Meaning that I need to come up with the decision before that. Yeah, to many others the RM involved is just a measly quantity....but for Hmm.... Tick tock, tick tock...and the dateline is 17 April 2009. Friday, April 03, 2009
We have a new King!! Eh...PM!! Would the new President...(eh, PM) screws us? No one knows. But I'm sure that the Najib's connection to Altantuya would be clarified after this. How, you ask? Simple la my dear. If the court acquit both of the bomber by saying no evidence...then, surely either : 1) Najid DID have an affair with the bombed lady and the Malaysia government is covering it up (Well, we cannot have a leader of a Muslim nation to have extramarital affairs). 2) Rosmah DID C4ed the lady. (Of coz, we cannot have the first lady playing with bombs. What you really want the US first lady play with nuke??) 3) Najib & Rosmah are really superly innocent. (Well kids, no scoffing now) But whatever the decision, pity the Altantuya's father la. He is waiting for justice...and by what I can see now, he will get no closure at all. So, hurray for the new Malaysia's Commander in Chief (eh, PM). And hurray too for the new parking meter in Cyberjaya. p/s : Do anyone knows if there is any shop that will accept besi buruk or used solar panels in Cyber's area? Well, just wondering.... Thursday, April 02, 2009
Parking meter in Cyberjaya
THEY had consructed parking meters in front of the parking lots near the road. Let me calculate.... To work in Cyberjaya, we must spend money to : Overall, it would be this much per month : So, permonth average person would need to fork about RM444 to come to So, is it worthwhile to come to work at Cyberjaya? Previously, yes. Since we do not have to pay for parking. Now, no. Might as well go and work in the middle of KL. Same costs....and Crazy management...only thinking of money...never of people's Now crazy abt : My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson. Somehow
The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone, And seem to stare about in mild surprise At changes greater than they have yet known. - T.A. Conrad |
To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. - William Blake, excerp from Auguries of Innocence. |