Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First attempt aku carik baju raya, dapat buku Sandworms of Dune (kukuku).

Second attempt, dapat la baju raya satu. My loved ones dah ngamuk-ngamuk ari tuh...aku plak siap dapat demam and migraine sekali.

At least aku dapat 2 kasut raya. To-che kepada contributors.

Macam-macam planning balek raya nih, hope dapat buat la at least half of it.

Sebelum aku start kalut balek, aku nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua kawan dan taulan.

Jika terkasar bahasa or tersinggung, harap ampunkan. Aku hanya manusia, yang tidak bisa lari dari melakukan kekhilafan.

Pesanan kekawan yang mengejar masa, bila balek raya tuh, jangan la laju ngats, kang tak pasal-pasal abis duit raya kena sedekah kepada pak polisi nak langsaikan saman-saman korang.

Nah, check and bayar sama-saman lama since polis ada buat diskaun.

Kepada yang naik flight and train, jangan terlewat, kang tak balek beraya korang.

Kepada yang naik bus, make sure korang dapat naik bus tuh...kalau bus takder, bakar ajer stesen bus tuh supaya ramai orang lain tak dapat balek. At least meriah la KL nih. Hahaha. Tapi jangan lupa minta ampun dan maaf kepada semua orang yang korang susahkan tuh.

Kepada yang naik bot, pastikan minyak diesel tuh cukup. Kerajaan hanya perlukan meeting 4 jam untuk naikkan harga minyak berpuluh-puluh sen, tapi perlukan meeting beberapa hari untuk turunkan harga minyak yang silap-silap kurang dari 15 sen.

Anyway, jangan lupa pulak carik tiket untuk balek ke KL. Hehehe.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Uh, baru notice that today is 19 Sept 2008. Cukup 5 tahun aku tulis blog.

First aku start tulis blog was on Friday (another coincidence), 19 Sept 2003. Masa tuh aku guna template Pink Mermaid yang mencetuskan quite a lot of hullabaloo. Siap ada tuduh aku exploit pompuan la, ada yang suh aku ingat Tuhan la...

Hahaha...nak exploit apa, kalau aku sendiri pompuan? Masalahnyer, aku memang suka tengok pompuan. Most of them do ensure that they are beautiful all the time...unlike men yang kalau nak kuar umah pun, serabai semacam ajer...unless nak pegi jumpa gf dia. :P

Anyway, dah terlalu byk komplen...aku dah sampai malas nak layan, so aku tukar ke Phoenix. Takder dah orang komplen on the gambar....tapi still ada banyak isu-isu lain plak yang diorg nak komplenkan dan nak ganyang. Whatever rocks their world la.

Bagi aku, blogging is for me to write what is inside my mind. Ada yang cakap jaga-jaga, nanti diorg kenal saper ko. But, aku tak risau. There are twists and turns in my mind that even me never knew. Kalau diorang nak kenal, I invite them in with open arms. Just make sure you bring a ball of strings ala Jason and the Minotaur. Kalau tak leh kuar nanti, guer tak leh nak nolong dah.

Ade orang tanya, tanak buka web sendiri ke? Been there and done that. Dulu aku penah own domain azrina.

My take? No point spend money kat orang then terkulat-kulat customize kan menda tuh semua. Blogspot is free and powerful since they do all the pre-config. The free time leh la aku guna nak pegi dating. Kah kah kah.

So, selamat menyambut besday ke 5 to my blogsite. And hurray for Blogspot.

  Texting while driving 'more dangerous than drugs or alcohol'

Taken from Yahoo News.;_ylt

~~LONDON (AFP) - Texting behind the wheel is more dangerous than driving
while under the influence of alcohol or cannabis, researchers said

Research carried out on 17 young drivers (aged 17-24) using a simulator
found that reaction time slowed by 35% when they were writing or reading
text messages while driving. In comparison, reaction time deteriorated by
21% for those under the influence of cannabis, and by 12% at the legal
alcohol limit.

Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) -- which carried out the study for the
RAC Foundation -- also found that steering control worsened by 91% for
those who were distracted by texts, compared to 35% when cannabis was

The tests also showed that texters were less able to maintain safe
distances from other cars and they tended to drift out of their lane more

RAC Foundation director Stephen Glaister said the research "clearly shows
that a motorist who is texting is significantly more impaired than a
motorist at the legal limit for alcohol."

TRL researcher Nick Reed added: "When texting, drivers are distracted by
taking their hand off the wheel to use their phone, by trying to read
small text on the phone display, and by thinking about how to write their
message. This combination of factors resulted in the impairments to
reaction time and vehicle control that place the driver at a greater risk
than having consumed alcohol to the legal limit for driving."

Nearly half of all drivers aged 18 to 24 in Britain admit to texting while
driving, according to an earlier RAC poll of over 2000 young drivers.~~

So, careful. Extra warning to my frens that always texting
while driving. You know who you are. ;P


Thursday, September 18, 2008
  Happy Besday!!

To my fren, Pips_guy:

Happy Birthday.

May the coming years bring additional joy to your life. (Not to say good
health, much more money, luck, wisdom, Japan...ehmmm...all the good things

Alhamdulillah dah meningkat tua kawan aku nih.

Jangan nakal-nakal. ;)

As in the email, as my gift for you....amik ajer mana-mana X Series yang
bersepah depan tuh. Nak trailer yang heret X Series pun buleh. Just jangan
bagi nama aku kat pak polisi...


Monday, September 15, 2008
  Citer lawak pagi Senin

Tadi pagi, aku intai kasut-kasut aku. Noticed that the ones that I liked
are half koyak, most needed new tapak and some others, a bit of

So, aku pun buka la kotak lelama...jengok sana..jengok sini, nampak la
satu kasut yang aku penah beli tapi tak pakai since it liked to bite my
foot. Aku pikir since now aku dihantar by my sweetheart, ok aku
pakai and kluar.

Masa aku jalan ke my opis, suddenly noticed that belah kanan rasa
longgar...tengok2 kasut dah terbelah dua. Between structure atas and
bawah, kasut aku dah nampak cam mulut boya. After a few steps...terus
terkeluar besi dia and putus.

Aku dah gelak gila. Hampeh, ada la another 50 meter to my building. Aku
amik structure plastik bawah tuh and buang. Sib baik structure atas kasut
aku tuh still melekat kat insoles kasut tuh. Belasah aja laaa.

Another 15 meters to my building, sebelah lagik buat hal, same issue...aku
dah malas nak pikir, rip bahagian bawah kasut tuh off and simpan dalam
beg. So aku just sashayed into the building, terus masuk to my place. At
least sib baik aku tak berkaki ayam. Hehehe.

Another luck, is that I kept a pair of extra shoes kat opis. Kalau idak,
memang berkaki ayam/itik la aku balek malam nih.

Kesimpulannya, aku nak kena pegi antar my shoes for
modofications......hmmm...lepas raya aaahh....esok nak try another 'ole'
shoes. Hahahaha.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Deng. Where Datuk Ahmad had lived all these years?

Oh sorry, I his own world aka paradise.

Did he never ventured outside his palatial home? Go to the streets of Penang, menengok kaler apa rakyat-rakyat Penang?

Jangan la sebab kepentingan dan ego diri sendiri menyebabkan perbalahan orang Melayu dan Cina di Pulau Pinang pula.

Would he protect all his loyal supporters from the anger of Chinese mob? Knowing that he said that the ones that tear the Tsu Koon's picture is not from Bukit Bendera...showed that he is not the kind of leader that protect his followers. So, do we need to be loyal to him?

As the one that was brought up on there, I would say the communities in Bukit Bendera area lived harmoniously together.

Me, myself was brought up in a chinese community and I still remember our old neighbours that brought me kuih bakul, kuih kapet..and even the tebu (after she prayed to their God, of course). I liked to see the Chinese opera, I knew the 2 prominent God and Goddess in our area: Kuan Yin-the Goddess of Mercy & the black God of Hell. We used to jog in the jerat Cina (until they found a few snakes and frightened my mum with the tales). My sister's turtle was left at Kek Lok Si temple...hope it is still alive.

This guy, supposed to lead people, dared to stir the main issue of Chinese malcontents. Does he even knows what will he leased in Penang? Would he gives protection to the meagre number of Malays in Bukit Bendera if the Chinese rise against them? Do he even care since he lived behind a sturdy gate of iron and mortar?

Since he said that the supporter that tear the picture of Tsu Koon is not from his area...and most probably would not protect the poor emotional guy from any repercussions...I don't think he would honesty protect his followers if anything does happen.

Shish.....Macam nih punya leader pun ada ka.

Belajar la being humble skets....Rasullulah tak penah nak mengutuk bangsa lain pun, orang sayang jugak...orang hormat jugak.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Last week, I was honked by a car behind me when I was going thru a toll. As far as i know, i was quite fast, there is no issue with my Touch&Go and I did not dawdled. So, I slowed down, trying to catch the eye of the guy to decipher what he is trying to communicate...but he just zoomed past.

Eh, is it an accidental honk?

How do you communicate between drivers?

Honk once while waving, meaning 'Hi'?

A long honk meaning 'Hot mama in front' or does it mean 'What the f*** are you thinking trying to cut me'?

What about last night, when my friend was in a hurry....drived in the fast lane, cucuk the car in front and then flashed high beam a few times. (that i know, it means get the hell out of my way, slowpoke). The car in front then soft breaked his car and honked once when my friend in disgust just cut him on the left side. What does that honk means? 'Hahaha, gotcha?' hard to decipher these honks coz they all sounds the same even tho the people applied it to different issues and situations.

A fren suggested that drivers use the Morse Code. But, is it feasible? By the time you are honking away, the car that you are trying to communicate is already either far in front or behind.

But I hate the most, are those people that honked to say 'Hi'. With the dark mirrors, do you think us pedestrians can peer thru the gloomy murk?

As a person with the memory of a gold fish, I still cannot remember my sister's car number even tho she had been driving her cute Kelisa for more than a year. Ditto for my best friend's. What I do (until now), is looking for a Cheshire grin behind the wheel of a gold Kelisa, or a mischievous smile behind a black 'God of the Seven Seas'.

Morse Code...what I know is only ~ dit dit dit daaah daaah daaah dit dit dit.

Any guess? Hehehe.

Friday, September 05, 2008
  Western's type of civilization

Afghanistan's Epidemic of Child Rape
(to access the site, put all on the same line)

~Sweeta's family knows that revealing the details of her ordeal may
condemn her to an unmarried life marked by shame and poverty. But they are
not seeking money, only justice. After six months of waiting for
resolution, Sweeta's sister Saleha has given up on the government and is
starting to wonder if the past seven years of foreign intervention have
brought any progress at all to Afghanistan. "If the Taliban were still
here, that rapist would have already been executed by now. It would have
been a lesson for all," she says. "If there is no law, and the
government does not listen to people's complaints, then it is better to go
back to the Taliban era. At least then we had justice." ~

Most people rejoiced when USA took over Afghanistan. President Bush said
he is fighting against terrorism. The western countries said that they
are bringing civilization to Afghanistan. The Muslim countries never did
anything except politely condemned Bush.

So, this is civilization. Afghanistan's child rape is getting
higher...same as the Western's countries. Bravo!!

Let us bring this type of civilization to all over the world.

Let us celebrate this win over the heathen Islamic law. Follow the way of
western civilizations, we toughened the police laws and add more
lawyers and everything would be ok. Just like in the USA. See, there is
hardly child molesters over there...we call them paedophiles. When
adults do bad things to kid, we caught them and put them in jail for some
measly years. Clothe and feed them. Then we let them loose and pray
that they won't do the same thing again to the rest of children. That is
the true civilization's way.

Not like the Islamic heathen laws, that take the poor guilty guy and
prosecute him publicly. Bringing awe and terror to the public and
reminding them NOT to even think of doing the same act. What do the
heathens know?



Thursday, September 04, 2008
  The Seoul Garden and 1 cent coins

For the fans of Seoul Bulgogi at Plaza Pantai, please do not panic...even
tho the name had changed, everything else remains the same. The tauke said
they changed the name coz they are opening a new branch.

The food are excellent with arnd 100 items to choose from. I lurrvee the
Patin Black Pepper, Patin Curry, Lamb Black Pepper and the Prawns...but
the reason why I love going there, is because of the Kim Chi. Take as many
as you want. Hehehe...

For this year, the dinner buffet is priced at RM35.88

I would advice for you to call first for reservation in the Ramadhan
month, especially during the weekend.

The website :
Phone : 03 22831888

I am satisfied, repleted, sated....

Now, moving to a question that had plaguing me since last week.

Is our 1 cent coin cannot be used anymore?

I went previously to a Pizza Hut located at Tesco Ampang. After the
rounding of money, I had to pay RM44.95. For the 5 cents, I paid using the
1 cent coins. However, the cashier do not want to accept it, saying that
they do not accept 1 cent coins.

A bit perplexed lah, so I asked why, since the Bank Negara still said that
the money is legal. She stressed that 'Pizza Hut' do not accept the money.


So I asked to see the manager. The cashier, saw that I am really earnest,
straightaway put the coins in her counter and returned the balance to me.

Hmmmm. That is another reason why people just throw the 1 cent coins away.
And a big indication that we are riding an inflation crisis.

So, is our 1 cent coin cannot be used anymore?


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Last night, aku and my loved one sajer gegatal nak mengetest Pasar Ramadan yang Pantai Dalam Bukit Angkasa tuh...pegi la arnd 5 pm..dah ramai siut. Parking jauh siut, just tanak causing any traffic jam...especially since my side parking usually take a looooonnngggg time.

Nak balek tuh, pusing la carik jalan kuar, tersilap la pulak masuk jalan yang lalu tepi kedai-kedai tepi nun. Traffic slowly la...tapi aku tak kisah la sangat.

Then, suddenly Kancil Merah selang 3 keta depan tuh tetiba move ke kiri, nak parking. Apa ke hal? Dah la jalan muat2 2 keta, pegi and balek ajer. Dah la pakcik with the kopiah tuh parking buntut kluar, meaning tinggal 1 jalan ajer yang passable la. So udah stuck. Then, the pakcik have the gall to kluar and nak jalan ke kedai tepi tuh. Marah la orang semua. You simply cannot park kat situ....

Bila orang marah2, dia marah plak keta Honda City kat blakang dia. Kata keta tuh dekat sangat. So that car pun gerak2, adjust2, masuk ke lane satu lagi, and undur ke belakang. Wow!! Dahsyat taiko pakcik tuh. Dia nyer salah, dia leh marah other people.

Pakcik tuh masuk dalam keta, ingatkan dia nak kluar kan keta dia, then tgk dia adjust nak parking gaks. Wa lau weh....dahsyat. Semua orang tension, dekat half hour tersangkut coz of the ego of a taiko pakcik yang tanak berjalan jauh. Nak kata sakit kaki, leh lak drive and berjalan gap gap. Semua orang dah bengang, bunyik hon, sound-sound...then ada keta the other side yang kluar parking, so leh la the traffic moving balek.

Dahsyat sungguh, sampai the end dia tanak move his car, yang sah-sah block jalan. So, sesaper jumpa pak cik pakai kopiah, keta Kancil Merah, WFV 7595...careful la. Korang mungkin akan menghadapi masalah lalu-lintas kalau ikut belakang dia.

Lepas tuh, dalam perjalanan nak kluar tuh, byk la motor cyclist yang menunjukkan kehebatan mencelah. Dah la tak pakai helmet, anak plak letak ajer dalam basket...sabar ajer la. Aku and my loved one yang cringing tgk diorg mencelah tanpa menghiraukan keselamatan diri, anak dan bini.

Tetiba ajer, ada plak jantan tak hensem yang rap kat tingkap aku. Hangin la aku, dah la tadak helmet, giler mencelah ke kiri ke kanan, siap rap tingkap aku sebab marah aku tak bagi dia mencelah. Sori la brader, kalau lembab tuh, ngaku ajer la. Dah ramai aku bagi potong, sapa suh ko lembab sangat. Dah la muka tak hensem, naik motor kapcai, nak jugak meraba body keta aku. Kalau naik motor besar tuh, lain la citer. Tak hingin keta aku digoda oleh kutu kampung...sori yer.

Itu la citer satu Ramadhan tahun nih...tak termasuk adik aku yang trauma sebab kat hostel dia ada budak hysteria. Satu lagik issue yang aku tak paham, bukan ke semua setan2 dah kena rantai? Ntah laaaa...


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The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone,
And seem to stare about in mild surprise
At changes greater than they have yet known.
- T.A. Conrad

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
- William Blake,
excerp from Auguries of Innocence.

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