Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tired. Last weekend so little rest.

Sabtu, whole day works.

Ahad, mengemas rumah. Sib baik, another haus tak siap lagik, kalau idak pegi mengemas that one too.

Aku jenis kalau tak jadik ular at least one day masa weekend, whole week penat. Hmmm...

This weekend also full, mengemas and mengangkut barang. Plus ada a bit shopping need to do. Full Raya shopping next weekend kot. Tak sure lagik, bergantung kepada keadaan/ketiadaan of my fren.

Kepada my loved one yang nak buat perjalanan jauh this weekend. Jalan lek lok. Jangan asik mendetourkan diri. Hehehe. Ingat...biar lambat asal selamat. Last kopek dating, lepas nih tak leh dah. ;P

Nak sambung buat keja.

Listening to : Belinda Carlisle.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Miss my blue drinking bottle. Tertinggal kat kedai semalam masa dinner. Nak pegi amik, punya lah jauh giler. Anyway, jauh lah for me. So, for now, have to use mineral water bottle. Somehow, reminds me of Amanda...she will scold me for reusing the bottle. Act of desperation lah, would go and buy a new one sometime later.

Since tengah sedih, so aku bantai makan roti jala, ayam and taukua goreng. Sedap la pulak roti jala kat Fodkot KL Sentral nih.

Skang kat Alumni aku tgh berdebat pasal bebudak UUM diwajibkan pakai tie and shirts ke kuliah. Teringat aku masa Matriks 2 dulu, setiap Isnin kena pakai 'smart' to kuliah. Guys kena pakai tie, ladies kena kemas. Aku belasah baju kurung ajer. Since bebudak Matriks 2 tak leh pakai jeans, aku just bawak jeans sepasang jer. Pun aku belasah pakai, except masuk ke Pusat Matrikulasi ajer. Hmmmm....jap, aku rasa aku masuk jugak ke sana ngan jeans. hehehe.

What to say, I'm a rebel. Never can put myself to follow rules. That's why aku malas nak masuk persatuan.

Ingat masa form 4, aku sesajer mem'fail'kan interview prefect sekolah. Prefect hostel, dua kali aku reject mentah2. Ingat lagi masa Ustazah (ketua matron) jumpa aku, Haya and Ijan sebab nak pujuk kitorang jadik prefect.

So, masa aku jadik librarian prefect, kekawan aku semua goes ga-ga. Semua tak paham camna aku boleh nak jadik librarian prefect sedangkan the rest of the prefects semua aku tolak. Apa nak buat, I love books.

Cannot remember the name of the book yang kitorang semua gila masa tuh, love story about the reincarnation of Queen Nefertiti. Sebab librarian, so kitorang menggunakan kuasa kitorang untuk TIDAK meletakkan buku tuh di rak. Just passing by hand. Kesimpulannya, power corrupts. Btw, aku carik and beli a copy of the book. Have it til now, cuma nak kena carik mana lokasi nya sajer.

Huarghh...ngantuks lak. Got another 2-3 hours kena tunggu. Sajer datang awal, merajuk tak leh pegi shopping. My green tea supply is getting low, very low. Need to replenish.

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm doing 'Thank God, it's Friday' dance rite now.

Hmmm....weekend..apa nak buat.

Esok pagi shopping for Kak Sham. Would try to find some nice chandelier earrings for her (hopefully leh jumpa). Petang ada mass dating kat sini. Tatau berapa ramai nak datang. So, jangan kacau aku masa petang tuh!

Ahad, ntah....manyak menda nak buat, too many people to meet. Silap2, aku pegi lepak rumah baru. Kacau k Zila and kemas the new room. Then, leh start angkat barang. This time tadak mamat-mamat with brawn nak tolong. This poor girl kena angkat sendiri. Segan nak minta tolong, aku plak jenis tak suka nyusahkan orang.

To Fahroe, selamat driving. He's going away to help his friend's family menguruskan majlis bertunang di Ipoh, or somewhere else.

Hmmm....Ipoh....teringat kat Baby. Miss you lah, bila nak dating lagik pun tak tau. Nak call pun malas, kalau call....nak jumpa. Nak jumpa, aku plak tarak free time. Shiish...

Nih nak jumpa si Azu, Azri, bang Salem pun tak dapat arrange lagik. Cian Azu, aku free...dia busy. Aku busy, dia free.

Semalam makan Nasi Kukus d'Naim. Sedap siut. Walaupun kedai dia dekat aja to my haus, tapi aku tak penah beli pun. Ierlah, bising kawan aku sorang tuh nak suh aku turunkan berat badan. Sib baik aku comel, kalau idakkkkk...eh, berbalek kepada citer nasik kukus nih. Memang sedap lah. Ayam dia sedap, gulai dia pun sedap.

Nyum..nyum...so reda skets rindu aku pada nasi kukus kat food court Plaza Sentral. Banyak kenangan wooo...Beratur punyalah panjang, share 1/2 nasik ngan k mawar (aku nasik separuh, dia nasik separuh), Fahroe kalau belikan nasik tuh penuh ngan trimmings, k Azie pesankan beli sebab boss dia dah nak masuk opis...rindu kat diorang. Baru ingat nak dating ngan k Mawar sabtu nih, dah terpaksa kansel. Aper nak buat....dating yang nih priority 1. Mati aku kena bunuh kalau tak attend. Sori aaaaa...

Hev to go back to work.

To all, a Merry Christmas....eh...Happy Weekend.

Dalam otak...lagu Timbaland...The Way I Are. Sedap lagu tuh.
Dalam telinga - 25 minutes Too Late.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Had seen Harry Potter : Order of the Phoenix. Best!! Not so dark as the Movie 3. Less whining and anger as in the actual book tho, I consider that a plus. A very definite plus.

Anyway, there are 2 scenes that I'm very disappointed in.

The first one is during the early scenes, in Little Whinging. The Dementors came and tried to suck the souls out of Dudley and HP. Sad to say, Mrs Figgs are not so shocked or frightened of the situation. She is just portrayed as an old lady that just came back from shopping. Not very frightened that Dementors are just seen in the her neighborhood. Hell, I would be!! Imagine having Dementors swooping around your house and trying to find people to give their famous kiss of death. Brrrr....

The second one is when Fred and George decided to run away from school. In the book, it is portrayed that they create a marshland (or is it a swamp? cannot remember la) on the school corridor. In the movie, it is portrayed that they just created fireworks during the OWL exam. Yeah, a lot of fireworks, but somehow not as big an ending as imagined in the book or as Potterians would say, the start of the twins career.

Apart from all above, most of the portayals are excellent.

Grawp was shown as a friendly giant (in the book, not even sociable). And the centaurs (my favorite icon) are shown shadowy (hope can see more of them in Movie 6). Draco is shown only in several scenes but somehow Crabbe and Doyle have a bit more scene than Draco. Go figure!

I think, having the ending of the Potter saga makes me sad to see the movie.


So, aper citer lagik nak ikut after this?

Star Wars - concluded.
TLOTR - concluded.
HP - concluded.

Think tinggal Transformers and Narnia jer lah. At least confirm that diorang akan buat Prince Caspian. Yey!!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Finished reading the Harry Potter : Deathly Hallows last nite, around 10.30 pm. Aper taknyer, distractions banyak sangat on the weekends.

Thanx to Fahroe that informed me Carrefour and Tesco were selling the books waaayyyy cheaper. I thought to camp at Kinokuniya, KLCC, nasib baik tak jadik. The price difference was rm40 woooo. That is a lot...Kalau nak beli buku kat Payless, kurang-kurang leh dapat 6 woooo.

A lot of shocks and I even rasa nak nangis a few times (nak ajer la, tak nangis puuunnnn). Many people are dead and a number are given salvations. A very good author, bayangkan...dia leh connect citer ngan what happened waaaaaaaaaaaayyy in book 2 and 3. Jangan cakap la in book 5 and 6, banyak connection nyer. Sabar jer la.

Ms Rowling, I would buy whatever book you produce next. Don't fear. You goy yourself an avid fan. Walaupun aku ada 2 buku jer, the rest Hanim nyer.

Jangan risau, I would not post any spoilers. Tho Fahroe dah sempat ketuk kepala aku sebab aku bagi 1 spoiler kat dia. Kekekeke.

Tak sempat tengok the movie lagik. Would try to see sometime this week lah.

Portion yang aku nak tengok sesangat, part Fred and George berenti dari sekolah Hogwarts tuh. They supposed to build a paya. Nak tgk camna the director buat that part.

Ahem, ahem, ahem.

Still in good mood. (Harry potter....harry potter........harry potter.........)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter (both movies and books) resources :



Tengah gila lagu kat bawah nih. Lagu Korean, citer Full House played by Rain. Hehehe, the lady is sooooo cute. Sampai the fashion menjadi kegilaan di South East Asia nih. Translation to English of the lyric also cute....

I refused to believe that it could be so,
there's no way that I'm in love with you,
I lied to myself that it's just a petty jealousy,
that I must be feeling lonely,
but I cannot hide it anymore.

I think I love you
But it must be so,
Cause I miss you without you,
I cannot do anything,
and you are always on my mind,
so seeing this,
it must be,
I was unaware,
but now I can see that your presence have delved deeply into my heart.

We are not meant for each other,
and being friends is the best thing for us,
there isn't a single thing we have in common,
so I claimed there's no way we can be lovers,
but I don't want to make excuses anymore.

I think I love you But it must be so,
Cause I miss you without you,
I cannot do anything,
and you are always on my mind,
so seeing this, it must be,
I was unaware,
but now I can see that your presence have delved deeply into my heart.

why didn't I know that it was you,
why couldn't I see it when it was right in front of me,
it was beside me all along,
but only now can I see love.

I think I love you But it must be so,
Cause I miss you without you,
I cannot do anything, and you are always on my mind,
so seeing this, it must be,
I was unaware,
but now I can see that your presence have delved deeply into my heart.

Happy Harry Potter Weekend!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I've been tagged! Courtesy of Rimaugirl at her blogsite. Hev to put these rules. Don't know abt the money tho. No name on who will give the money at all.

If you are tagged, you need to write an entry related to the meme. At the end of your entry you just need to tag as many bloggers as you like. You will then leave a comment in their blog to let them know they have been tagged. And to include this message, "By doing this meme you are contributing RM127 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage".Then please copy and paste this rule somewhere in your entry. The meme is about completing at least seventeen out of the following twenty seven sentences.

1. A person is only as good as how he/she is really inside.
2. Friendship is when friends are with you when you are happy; and also when you are sad.
3. To love is to walk upon broken glasses.
4. Money makes me go shopping.
5. I miss being carefree.
6. My way of saying I care is show them that I love them and damn the consequences.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by (since there are kids reading this blog, I would not write this down)
8. Pick the flowers when they are dead, so that the tree would not be burdened with dead-end resources.
9. To love someone is to accept her/him as they are. It’s ok tho to try changing them a teeny bit to follow your style.
10. Beauty is much more appreciated if it is inside than outside.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was struggling with my low self esteem and my studies.
12. When I was twenty one, I remember being responsible for my own life and the survival of my family.
13. I am most happy when I know that all the people that I loved are safe and sound.
14. Nothing makes me happier than... being in the presence of whom I loved.
15. If I can change one thing, I will change the President of US.1
6. If smiles were as numerous as dusts…then the world would be clogged with smiles.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could be nice to each other instead of being just a selfish jerk.
18. If you want to, you can forgive….but can you ever forget?
19. Money is not everything but life is much more meaningful when you have them.
20. The most touching moment I have experienced is my dear small ones said, we don’t care that he is leaving.
21. I smile when I wanna.
22. When I am happy, I smile and sings.
23. If only I don't have to wake so early in the morning.
24. The best thing I did yesterday was spending my time with a loved one.
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title The mad ramblings of a crazy woman – the real story.
26. One thing I must do before I die is to ensure that my loved ones would be taken care of.
27. Doing this meme, I feel like wanna eat a Chocolate Banana cake at Gloria Jeans.

The next one to be Tagged would be :

1) Kak Mawar.
2) Hanim.
3) Fahroe.

Jangan tembak sayaaaaaaaaaaaa.....

Monday, July 16, 2007

I am not weird, nor crazy.

Even tho I cannot give another lady's name that love either The Lord of the Rings or Star Wars as much as me. Or have a much relaxed attitude towards marriage as I am (I believe in my God's grace, do you??). Or love eating dark chocolates as much as me (all of them love milk chocolates). Or love trying new things as much as me (not Brazilian wax!!). Or love beaches as much as me (hmm...I might be able to name a few here). Or love playing with rain water (as a friend shockingly realizes during Bukit Cahaya trip last few years). Or would do crazy stuffs upon her hormone changes (definitely!! even without the hormone changes.)

I am the one that insisted upon flying fox or going up the cable car on Mount Mat Chinchang even tho I know I fear ( a bit) heights. Or the one that is crazily contemplating parachute jumping (even tho my frens swear they would not call upon me if I end up in the hospital). Or wake up at 1.30 am to watch Tsubasa : Chronicles of the Wings.

I am definitely not weird. Or crazy. Or loose in the head.

I assure you that I am completely sane. Completely and utterly sane.

I am a very boring person. With nothing up my sleeve except sleeping during the weekends and reading my story books. I was a librarian for God's sake. Where do you ever got a crazy librarian?

Thus, I prove...that I am NOT WEIRD nor CRAZY!!

or am I???

Friday, July 13, 2007

Took Usana products since early of this month. Sajer start lambat skets, aku buat guinea pig kat my friends. Since aku tengok Tan and Fahroe hidup lagik, so baru aku start. Hehehe.

Tan dah start cerita pasal Usana products masa aku kat opis lama lagik. Supplement food, additional vitamins and minerals as required by our body. Oxidation thingie. Dah berminat since my resolution this year is to improve my health. Ramai siut orang yang aku kenal dah meninggal pasal penyakit2 yang leh dielakkan.

Anyway, after nearly 1 week taking the product, aku notice yang aku sangat mengantuk and dahaga. Tho, tak berapa lapar sangat.

Now, nearly 2 weeks makan tuh, aku minum air cam gler and asik selsema. After reading a few of the related articles, baru tahu that these symptoms are the ways my body buang all the toxics and oxidize my body. Would be ok after 3-4 weeks. In the meantime, kena la suffer skets.
Before lunch, aku dah habiskan 2 liter air kosong. Usually, 1 day pun tak abis 2 liter tuh. Good for me. :)

Tak tau lagi perancangan this weekend. Usually, aku bukan leh lepak kat umah tak buat apa-apa. Tapi, rasa cam nak kemas skets umah.

Hmmm...aku tau!!

Hahaha...tak leh bagitau. Later aku update. Jap, nak tepon my fren jap.

Song : Ping Pong.
Book : Still searching for HP 5.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ok, I am now officically swept by Harry Potter's new book mania. The Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows would premiered on 21 July, 2007, Saturday. All of my friends would know where to find me that morning.

No, I had not ordered the book, I find it a hassle since most probably more than 5 shipful of the books will find our shores that Friday.

Hmm...now my gripe is where can I read the book without any disturbance. If somewhere in the vicinity of the bookstore, usually I would get quick touches and hailings from total strangers that would like to talk about the new book. Takpa, habiskan everything on Saturday, so that on Sunday I can reread it again....slowly.

Am gleefully wringing my hand while contemplating about the final outcome of the book. People are speculating like crazy on the 2 persons that Jo said would die. Btw, would HP die? Would HP/GW and RW/HG pairings lasts? What will happen to Voldemort? etc..etc..etc.

My take? Voldy would die and HP too.

Nak kena punggah balek and read the 6th book. Mana ntah letak...somewhere in the mess of my house tho.

Jangan risau, aku tak kacau sesaper weekend tuh. Tapi, kalau orang kacau aku...kena make sure yang diorang tapaukan a set of KFC bucket untuk aku lepak and makan that nite. Leave me and Hanim's book (believe me, it's a long story) alone.

Hmm...chocolate and cookies. Nak kena beli nanti nih. :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Transformers is simply magnificent!!

I'm sure a lot of you remember the old Transformers cartoon, the one where all the cars, lorry, etc can change and become Autobots. Not the new one, busan lah the new one...where all the animals can become robots...3D yang tak best. Anyway, back to Transformers the movie, the storyline is good. The script is pretty good for summer movie and the CGI is simply wonderful, breathtaking and marvelous (banyaknya adjectives).

The story is about a nerdy boy that discovers that he hold the fate of the world. Also, he bought a yellow Camarro that can change to a robot!! Dang, I want one too. Tak payah lah nak belajar bawak keta and amik exam. Best woooooo.

Paling menarik, masa transforming between a robot and car (and vice versa), you can see all the components change location and whirring like mad. Lawa siuts. Very believable.

Paling suka scene masa all the Autobots pegi umah the hero nak amik grandpa dia nyer spectacles. Cute masa semua Autobot tuh nak semunyi dari bapak dia. Hehehe. Sib baik tak runtuh rumah tuh.

Overall, I will give 9 out of 10.

So, saper-saper yang rasa tanak tengok movie nih....you are really missing a lot.

p/s: bulan nih Enrique is the artist of the month dalam astro, ch 72. Yey!!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Went for team building at Genting View Resort from Friday to Sunday.

The chief speaker is Datuk Dr Hasan Ali. Nanti aku bagi the link to his website. The pioneer for team building camps and consultation for families. Best gler dia bersyarah. Cam nak dengar ajer.

Anyway, below are some of the pixs.

Our hotel.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Aku buat wall climbing, naik tinggi lah jugak. The default tahap jatuh for the whole group.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Flying Fox!! Best. Cuma masa nak naik the tower yang gayat giler.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

BBQ, sangat lah banyak menda nak makan. Tak penah aku tengok BBQ cam nih nyer lavish. Me and Zana mendera ketam.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Dalam kelas. Aku buat pose mermaid lagik.

Photo Sharing and ideo Hosting at Photobucket

Overall, best!! Cuma bila balek KL, suffer sangat sakit kaki. My thighs are killing me. Nak duduk for sujud, toilet...cam nak nangis. Tengah sapu Perskindol and pakai koyok.


Friday, July 06, 2007


Thursday, July 05, 2007

If they ever got cold/flu, the elephants would be the most miserable animals on earth.

Thank God that I did not have a long nose. With the cold that I'm having, it would be catastrophic.....to people around me lar.

Blocked nose, cotton wool in my head, swollen eyes....sexiness is something remotely distant from me today. I do not feel sexy, nor beautiful. And woe be to those that even glance at me. Feverish upon occasion....when the fever is upon me, even my stomach feels hot. So, if I bash the guy in front of me, can I say that i was not lucid at the time? Fever maa...the heat scrambles my brain. Can aaaa?

Batuk also. Batuk like got TB. hahaha...I only got TV maaaa. 17 inch....search like crazy to get it.

Ok, confirmed that the fever scrambles my egg...eh....my brain.

Now, also don't know what the heck that I'm trying to say.

Usually, makan nasik bubur when got these bugs....tapi based on the current haus condition...aku sanggup belasah KFC.

Now, want my pikachu. But he is still wrapped up.

Officially, missedto see Shrek 3. :`(

Too busy doing ntah apa-apa.

Nak tgk Transformers, panggung plak penuh. Kalau terlepas gaks, there would be bludbath. Surely. Without any doubt.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kena selsema teruk. Panas badan skets on and off, but tak teruk ngats. Musim sakit sekarang nih. Pandai2 la makan ubat and jaga kesihatan. Tho, semalam carik ubat...tak jumpa-jumpa. Mana ntah bekas ubat aku. Yang pasti, semalam ajer aku dah bersilat ngan 3 ekor lipas yang berlainan. 2 berjaya aku bunuh, sekoq lagi mencari sanctuary dalam bilik hosmet.

Anyway, now aku dah kenal sangat sapa kawan aku. Kawan senang ramai, kawan semasa susah just ada a few ajer. Biasaklah, adat dunia. Sometimes ko senang, sometimes ko susah. Takdir donia. Tapi, jangan lupa kawan yang susah semasa ko senang. Dan jangan lupa bila ko senang, jangan mendera kawan plak.

Anyway, kepala udah blur...cotton wool penuh. Weekend nih plak full, dah ada activities. Aaaaa...tak leh cakap tempat, sori. Aku kan ada stalker. Gila weh. Kalau nak tau, hint dia senang ajer, kalau ada tsunami....aku sangat selamat. Nope, bukan bukit belakang flat aku tuh.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Thanx to all my frens that helped me moved my things to the new rented house. To Hanim (yang terpaksa turun to KL for less than 24 hrs), to Nana, Fahroe and the Mares gang. To all of you, kalau u all tadak...surely I cannot pindah. Sensorang memang dah tak terangkut semua tuh. Banyak wooo my stuffs. Nanti later this week and next week, nak kena separate between menda yang nak guna and yang dah 'expired'.

Berjaya jugak aku pindah my stuffs dalam 2 days and with only 4 days notice to evacuate the haus. Hahaha.

Thanx again to all my frens.

Start petang semalam, after the adrenaline flood, baru terasa badan saket-saket. Today, jangan cakap la....nak bangun tido pun seksa. Nak semayang, sib baik tak terbalek...rupanya ada another bruise kat my left knee. Boleh la complement my Saturday's bruise dekat atas sket dari my right knee.

Anyway, nak kena carik plastic container. Idup dari plastik jer la lepas nih.


Ping-pong ajer dalam otak.


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The race of man shall perish, but the eyes
Of trilobytes eternal in stone,
And seem to stare about in mild surprise
At changes greater than they have yet known.
- T.A. Conrad

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.
- William Blake,
excerp from Auguries of Innocence.

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